Forum Discussion

Matt_02_134002's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 19, 2013

Client connections increased dramatically after enabling oneconnect

Hi folks,


I am very puzzled by what I am seeing here. I enabled oneconnect on three virtual servers which are serving http traffic. I configured a customized version of the tcp-lan-optimized profile which only changed the Proxy Buffer High and Low levels to match our traffic, and a oneconnect profile which only changes the Maximum Reuse to slightly below the HTTP KeepAlive on our web servers. That said, I've also tried the default profiles, and had the same results.


After enabling oneconnect, new connections to our backend servers dropped significantly as expected; however, the number of active connections roughly tripled. It appears to be client connections. When I check the virtual server statistics, the three virtual servers have a combined 22.5K current connections; however, when I check the pool which all three use, it only lists around 800 active connections.


What could have caused this jump? It appears that traffic is being served properly, but I am concerned as to what this means. Thanks in advance for your advice.


  • This all sounds pretty normal to me. As connections are being re-used I'd expect the number of active connections to increase. I'd also expect to see a big difference between client-side and server-side connections.