Forum Discussion
Choose pool based on /uri content with cookies
Hey all.
I'm sure this is probably a pretty
simple issue, but I've been all over the boards and I can't seem to get it to
work. I have two sites that share a public IP Address.
I've written an iRule
that picks a pool based on a flag in the URI (/fms2). The server does not
include /fms2, so I use a string command to redact that part of the URI. All of
that is working great, although the server doesn't reply back with pointers
that include /fms2 in the URI and thusly information is getting lost. I'm
trying to use a pool_cookie to get it to work, but no luck. Here's my iRule,
please let me know what I"m doing wrong:
Default to not setting a pool cookie
set pool_cookie ""
Check URI set to lower case with wildcard matching
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
"/fms2*" {
pool fms2-staging_pool
HTTP::uri [string range [HTTP::uri] [string first "/" [HTTP::uri] 1] end]
set pool_cookie fms2
HTTP::header replace Host "fms2-staging.ith.local"
default_pool {
Check if user has pool cookie
switch [HTTP::cookie pool_selector] {
"fms2" {
pool fms2-staging_pool
default {
pool fms1-test
Set a pool selector cookie if a FMS2 pool was selected in request
if {$pool_cookie ne ""}{
HTTP::cookie insert name pool_selector value $pool_cookie
Thanks very much. –Sara
- hoolioCirrostratusWe were just missing setting path "/" on the cookie insert.
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