Forum Discussion
Jun 08, 2011Nimbostratus
Changing SNAT IP based on client destination IP and resulting alarms
With some help from this forum I have an irule that works to route outgoing (initiating from server behind BigIP) traffic to clients via different SNAT IPs based on the destination it is going to. We...
Jun 09, 2011Nimbostratus
Actually it is saying virtual server not available. I am guessing this is because it's status is blue. Honestly the only reason we have it is to apply the iRule to which then looks for outbound connections, looks at dest ip, and sends from the corrrect SNAT IP. There are no pools associated with it.
Again I thought if I put a pool on it and pinged the members and got it green the trap would stop and it did, it just broke the irule working like it did before. Hope this makes sense and thanks!
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