Forum Discussion
ccu licence - F5 apm - Microsoft Exchange
Hello i wanted to understand how CCU licences are used when exchange iAPP is deployed . meaning i have a APM+LTM setup and have deployed Exchange 2016 iApp - when i check for ccu licences - i get the number of connection
F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions.0 = Gauge32: 1447
but the following document says Exchanges does not use a CCU license.
can you please clarify
- youssef1
CCU means User Connectivity License (CCU), is when a user is assigned one or more BIG-IP APM resources with tunnel-type access.
You consume a ccu in the followin case:
- Full Network Access (L3 SSL VPN)
- Per App VPN
- App Tunnel
- Web-based app links on Webtop
- Citrix Portal Mode (StoreFront/Web Interface)
You don't consume ccu in the folowin case:
- Microsoft Exchange
- Outlook Anywhere, ActiveSync, Web Service
- Microsoft OWA (without a rewrite profile)
- WebAuth
- SAML Resource on Webtop
- Oracle OAM
As long as you use a webtop in your vpe (ressource assign), you consume a CCU license. which is not your case with exchange.
I think there is confusion:
The following command allow you to viewing the number of access licenses using tmsh
tmsh show /sys license detail | grep apm_access_sessions
The following command allow you to viewing the number CCU licenses using tmsh
tmsh show /sys license detail | grep apm_access_sessions
What you see in:
F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmAccessStatCurrentActiveSessions.0 = Gauge32: 1447
is not CCU license but access license (Access sessions). As long as you use the apm in your vs and in any case you consume an "Access sessions" which is different from a CCU license... And depending of your device you are limited, you can see license Access sessions info with this command:
tmsh show /sys license detail | grep apm_access_sessions
If you check in the following KB you can see a table with CCU Info and Access sessions supported by type.
Hope it's clear. keep me in touch
- mawan_revera
Thanks for the Response -
and its more clear now - is there a command to check CCU licenses - i am on a virtual platform
- yacine
to check the number's CCU with this command tmsh show /sys license detail | grep apm_sessions
to check the number's access session with this command tmsh show /sys license detail | grep apm_access_sessions
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