Sep 27, 2011Nimbostratus
Catching Timeout and HTTP 502/503 Errors
Hi there,
Next question... One of the items that we've got set-up on our current Apache set-up is the ability to catch a 502 "Bad Gateway" and 503 "Service Unavailable" and return a 'Sorry, please try again' page.
We also set the Timeout value to be 30s, so that users aren't sat endlessly waiting for a page that may never return. Instead, they'll get the same 'Sorry, please try again' page after 30 seconds...
Currently, in Apache it's as simple as defining ErrorDocuments within a VHOST...
How can I accomplish the same with the F5?
I've set the Timeout value on the 'TCP' profile to be 30 seconds...
But not sure how to do the 'Sorry' pages...