Forum Discussion

Hien_Truong's avatar
Feb 24, 2021

Cap and not Cap uri


i have the below irule


if { [HTTP::host] equals ""

switch -glob [HTTP::path]

{ "/App/Events/Calendar.aspx"

{HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.def/redirect/Calendar.aspx" }


{ "/App/events/Calendar.aspx"

{HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.def/redirect/Calendar.aspx" }


{ "/app/Events/Calendar.aspx"

{HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.def/redirect/Calendar.aspx" }



My question is how to make this irule simple, can i use string tolower for this case? and how do i apply it to this irule.

Thanks in advance.




    Glad could be of help, would you mind marking the solution as answer provided, so it can help others too.

5 Replies

  • ​i just completed all my test cases after applying this new irule. it works, thanks a lot for your support.

    • jaikumar_f5's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP



      Glad could be of help, would you mind marking the solution as answer provided, so it can help others too.