Forum Discussion

bizooga's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 19, 2015

Cant get URL Hostname in logs from AVR and ASM

Hi Folks,


I currently have a virtual server that hosts multiple websites using "name based hosting". I have an iRule that runs on the VS that says if the incoming http request comes in and the url host name matches an entry in a datagroup forward it to the pool name that it is set to in the datagroup. This part works great...


What does not work so great is, if you turn on AVR or ASM, the BIGIP only logs entries with URI and not the host name. I have created a logging profile and told it to log "everything" but still I only just logs with just the URI and not the host name.


Naturally it would be nice to have the host name and the URI so I can see what logs pertains to what website the VS is hosting.


Any ideas guys?






  • Unfortunately the only solution was to create an external VS with an iRule that would route the HTTP traffic based on hostname to another VS (internally) then to a pool for that domain. I used a datagroup to map the hostnames to a VSs.


    Once that was created, I then simple turned on AVR for the internal VS and not the external VS.


    Hope that helps.


  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello Did you find any solution for this matter? I have the same problem


    thanks, Regards