Forum Discussion

Phil_53695's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 18, 2011

Cache hits show 0 on irule when looking at ltm log




Below is an irule that I am trying to debug to see if indeed the URI(s) file types get cached and nothing else.


From viewing the ltm log, I see:



: 0 cache hits /Public/Legal/img/foot_back_bot.png



So I assume my syntax must be off since it "should" be caching the .png as per my irule.







set debug 1


set foundmatch 0


if { ([HTTP::uri] contains ".swf") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".js") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".css") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".png") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".jpeg") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".jspg") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".gif")} {


if {$foundmatch} { log local0. "Caching [HTTP::uri]" }


CACHE::enable }


else {CACHE::disable }




when CACHE_REQUEST { log local0. "[CACHE::hits] cache hits [HTTP::uri]" }



Thanks for any input
  • when HTTP_REQUEST {


    The below irule will log to the ltm logfile so can tail -f it to see the actual files.


    Logging can be removed afterwards then.




    set foundmatch 0


    if { ([HTTP::uri] contains ".swf") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".js") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".css") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".png") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".jpeg") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".jspg") or ([HTTP::uri] contains ".gif")} {


    if {$foundmatch == 1} { log local0. "Caching [HTTP::uri]" }


    CACHE::enable }


    else {CACHE::disable }




    when CACHE_REQUEST { log local0. "[CACHE::hits] cache hits [HTTP::uri]" }


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Phil,

    A switch statement should be a bit more efficient and simpler to modify:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
          ".swf" -
          ".js" -
          ".css" -
          ".png" -
          ".jpeg" -
          ".pspg" -
          ".gif" {
             log local0. "Caching [HTTP::uri]"
          default {
    when CACHE_REQUEST {
       log local0. "[CACHE::hits] cache hits [HTTP::uri]"
