Forum Discussion

Alexander_01_13's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 12, 2013

Browser is forwarded to internal URL of MS Dynamics CRM server



I am configuring external access to a ms dynamics crm server. I have taken the correspondig deployment guide (


Now, when I connect to the server from outside to after authentication the browser trys to open https://internalnameofcrmserver.internaldomain.local, which fails obviously.


Deploying Sharepoint one has to give him an "alternate name", which is the publicly used URL. Is there a similar setting in MS Dynamics CRM?


Regards, Alexander


  • I think you're running into the issue detailed on page 10 of the guide. The internal server doesn't know it's behind a proxy, so it's sending absolute links to its known host name. A STREAM profile should solve that problem:


    If your Dynamics CRM user interface is not correctly displaying page objects located in the /help directory, you may need to configure a Stream profile on the BIG-IP system to ensure the correct FQDN for your Dynamics deployment is returned to the client browser. The stream profile Target field should be comprised of one or more pairs of values, separated by the @ symbol. The first value corresponds to the NetBIOS name of a server in your deployment, and the second value is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that clients use to access Dynamics CRM. For example, if you have two servers in your Dynamics 2011 CRM deployment named server01 and server02, and the FQDN of the deployment is, the Stream profile Target field would be:



  • Thank you, Kevin.


    I've added a stream profile as you suggested, but the problem stays the same.


    Could it be that some ADFS are interfering?


    The URL displayed in the browser is like: https://internalservername.internaldomain.local/adfs/?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=https%3a%2finternalservername%3a80%2f&wctx=rm[...]


    I know the server should not be configured "internet facing".


    Regards, Alexander


  • I suspect somebody has interfered with my crm server. I'll have to make him clean up the mess ...


    Be back soon.


    Regards, Alexander


  • Now that ADFS is deactivated and the crm server no longer looks for adfs, we could go on...




    The public URL of the crm server had to be filled in the "Microsoft CRM Dynamics Deployment Manager" > Properties (see picture).



    Maybe this can be included in the deployment guide.


    Thank you!

