Forum Discussion

laga44_77816's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 07, 2008

blocking content with iRules

Hi, I'm looking for a sample to block a specific


parameter from a http request URL query string.


As an example is someone hits our site with






I'd like to block "bad2144"


either by dropping the connection


or a redirect.



Is this possible? Has anyone done this before?





  • There were actually a few syntax and logic errors in the rule. There needs to be a space between local0. and the start of the log text. The open parenthesis shouldn't be there. And IP::server_addr is invalid in HTTP_REQUEST as no server side connection has been established. Assuming you want to check the client IP against the Host datagroup, you can try this:

     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
         Log a debug message with client IP:port and the class contents 
        log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: class \$::badStrings: $::badStrings" 
         Check if the client IP is part of the hosts datagroup 
        if { [matchclass [IP::server_addr] equals $::Hosts]}{ 
            Log a debug message indicating the client IP matched the Hosts class 
           log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: matched Hosts class \$::Hosts: $::Hosts" 
            Check if the requested URI contains any known bad strings 
           if { [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains $::badStrings]}{  
               Log a debug message indicating the client matched the Host class and had a bad string in the URI 
              log local0. "Matched server IP and found bad string in [HTTP::uri]: entry [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains $::badStrings]"  
       Drop the TCP connection  

    I added more logging so you can follow what's happening if it doesn't work. Once you've tested the rule, you should comment out or remove the log statements to save disk space and CPU resources.

  • And as you mentioned logging can be found in the



    /var/log/ltm ?


