BigIP ESXi version routing problem. Probably asymmetric routing ?
Happy new year everybody,
Got a problem with BigIP ESXi So far all I did was download the .ova file ,install it via Vmware player ,the free edition, and run 'config' command to set the management ip. As you can see in the images below its on bridge connection using my on board nic. My problem is that although I can ping from the bigip vm to both my host windows,and other vms using same connective in same network, machine and to the outside world, tried for example, while obviously being able to ping back from my host machine I seem unable to connect to the web interface in order to activate product and configure it further. The error I get on browser is 'connection refused'. Tried telnet with putty and still cant connect. Both vm and host are on same subnet /24. Host machine ip is,bigip management ip is and default getaway is Tried setting a static arp route following this, so my command was create net arp myarp ip-address mac-adress '',which mac adress I found from running ipconfig/all on my windows host. Error was that 'neighbor entry cant be resolved'. Last thing I did was restarting Vm after I closed down skype because I recall it causing issues with port 80 and apache when both were running so I thought maybe it interferes with Vms as well. But it didn't fix the problem. Is there something else I can do ? Am I wrong about asymmetric routing ? My end goal is to build a lab with the bigip and a another ubuntu server vm I already built with some docker images inside and test it.
Thanks in advance for your help