Forum Discussion

w-reseau_282897's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2016

bigip edge client com api reuse logon credential



I try to use the api and opensession function to make automatic logon like the standalone client.


Is it possible ?


Thx Emmanuel


  • The edge client uses "User Logon Credentials Access Service" to accomplish it, so it's sort of a separate program that doesn't have a public API.



    So in order to accomplish it, you'll have to write a similar function. I'd begin by consulting the Microsoft documentation about how user credentials are managed and stored.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The edge client uses "User Logon Credentials Access Service" to accomplish it, so it's sort of a separate program that doesn't have a public API.



    So in order to accomplish it, you'll have to write a similar function. I'd begin by consulting the Microsoft documentation about how user credentials are managed and stored.


    • w-reseau_282897's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Lucas,


      Thx for reply, yes we see with my dev team what we have to code. Is it to be sure that no one to this before with an API for the edge client.


      But if you had Microsoft documentation, we're ok to read this too.


      Regards Emmanuel