Forum Discussion
BIG iQ discovery issues with error Unauthorized 401
Could you fix this?
I have tried suggested workaround but it still fails.
I have tried rebooting device and I have upgraded to (from and I am not able to add big-ip to the big-iq.
Any ideas?
pponte If you are user ashu_aggarwal1 as well you should really stay logged in as the same user in order to not confuse those who are assisting you. Aside from that, it seems that you are at the position where you need to perform a code upgrade to resolve the issue if not of the articles are resolving your issue. I recommend creating a QKVIEW and uploading it to iHealth if a code upgrade to the latest does not fix your issue. This is all assuming that you have logged into the BIG-IQ CLI and attempted to SSH to the management IP of the BIG-IP as well as performing a rest command to 443 on the management IP of the BIG-IP as well. The user credentials need to be the local admin credentials of the BIG-IP in question.
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