Forum Discussion

Brian_Burns's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 16, 2019

Big-IQ AS3 - Invalid Node, the IP address X.X.X.X already exists

We are in the process of implementing automation through AS3 and Big-IQ. I am currently running into an issue where I have multiple tenants that use the same pool member IP addresses, but different p...
  • cookiemonster's avatar
    Mar 06, 2020

    Sounds like you should be able to use the following in your pool member section:


    "shareNodes": true


    This will create the Nodes in the Common partition, but be aware that those nodes in that Common partition will show up in all of the other tenants even if they are not using it.


    so for example my node declarations look like this.



                    "app1_pool": {

                        "class": "Pool",

                        "monitors": [



                        "loadBalancingMode": "least-connections-member",

                        "members": [


                                "adminState": "enable",

                                "shareNodes": true,

                                "servicePort": 80,

                                "serverAddresses": [



                                "hostname": "vmmsjontestp01"



                                "adminState": "enable",

                                "shareNodes": true,

                                "servicePort": 80,

                                "serverAddresses": [



                                "hostname": "vmmsjontestp02"



                                "adminState": "enable",

                                "shareNodes": true,

                                "servicePort": 80,

                                "serverAddresses": [



                                "hostname": "vmmsjontestp03"
