Forum Discussion

Murali_03_15358's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 28, 2018

BIG-IP VE - VMWare ESXi recommended settings

How well does Big-IP F5 work on VMWare Dynamic resource scheduler ?


we have successfully migrated a standalone physical to Virtual but soon after we had to revert as their were reach-ability issues with the virtual servers ? any guess on what could have caused the issue ?


currently the security settings on VMware for Promiscuous mode, mac address change and forged transits are set to reject. -- I suspect the issue might have been because of this setting.. but our device is only standalone. changing the vm settings is not easy without justification.


  • The communication was resolved by enabling Promiscuous mode. we found the VMKernal logs to confirm and enabled the same to test it.