Forum Discussion

THASIN's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 04, 2012

Big-IP Placement

Hi ,


we want to inbound load balance traaffic to web server in Zone 2. and out bound Load traffic orginated from ISA servers in the zone 1 between two isp links which are connected to firewall in the external zone.


what is the best place to place Big-Ip in zone1 or zone2 and what is the depolyment option - one arm or in line mode. kindly refer the attached diagram


appreciate your valuable inputs and pros/cons for each senario






  • i think inbound web load balancing has no issue i.e. either zone1 or zone2 is fine.



    anyway, for outbound isa load balancing, i wonder if bigip is in zone2, how can we load balance traffic to isa servers?



    did i misunderstand anything here?
  • THASIN's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    is it possible to outbound load blance between two ISP links traffic orginated from ISA server if we place the BIG-IP in Zone2?




  • THASIN's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus




    If we place the big-ip in the outside zone, is it possible outbound link Load balancing and inbound web traffic load balancing?


    if requires, I will provide the drawings again with Big-IP.


    what are the implication of this design ?


    Please respond



  • Hi Thasin,



    If your looking to have more granular control over your ISP Links you may want to look into the Link Controller.



    If you are wanting to try all of what you are wanting with a BIG-IP LTM I would suggest talking with your F5 Sales Engineer so that you can interactively explain what you are wanting to do in detail and the specifics of what you have and they can advise you on the best solution.



    I don't think that anyone on DevCentral would want to lead you down the incorrect path because we did not know the details of your situation.



    Hope this helps.