Forum Discussion

Anicet_310001's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 06, 2017

BIG-IP LTM VE 12.1.1 TMM unreachable

Hello all,


It might be a silly question in regards of your deep knowledge of bigip LTM but, i'm stumbling upon a probable configuration issue that i can't quite figure out.


I'm trying to setup my LTM VE for remote network access and have configured so far: - virtual server(thus virtual public destination IP address) - access profiles (SSL-VPN) - aaa servers for users authentication - network access list with IPV4 lease pool - Self-IPs - VLAN internal (tagged Interface 1:1) - VLAN external (tagged Interface 1:3) - Even static ARP associated with IP address from the different interfaces.


I've read through devcentral and knowledge base but still can't find why i can't reach BIGIP LTM VE from my other LAN. The only way i can access BIGIP ltm is through the Management IP address to the GUI. All management related traffic is ok, but when trying to ping BIGIP LTM VE to one of its other interface for example 1:1 with self-ip it says hos unreachable. Even from outside my LAN when trying to access through the VS public IP, nothing comes back. Firewall rules are in place and working as i could see traffic coming from the outside to the public VS Public IP, no luck there either. Even for hosts within the same VLAN as BIGIP IP i can't have an answer back from BIGIP.


I'd really appreciate your insights on this problem, as i'm dry out of options for now. Thanks a lot.


  • What hypervisor are you running LTM VE on? Are you tagging traffic on the virtual NICs to the LTM VE guest? In many cases (perhaps your design is different for-cause) these would be untagged interfaces in a single VLAN. Depends on how your guest is configured but I'd assume untagged unless there was a reason for tagging them. Verify that configuration on your host and then change your LTM VE interface config to untagged if appropriate.


  • I would start with a packet capture on the interface on BIG-IP and see if request traffic is hitting it.


    To change default gateway you can do it from GUI


    network - routes


    Edit the default route (Resource: USE gateway) or create a new Route