Forum Discussion
Big-IP LTM - load balancing incoming request to 2 different 'paths' on Member Pool
I tried your script - and looks good in the F5 logs - however the server logs aren't showing showing any connections.
Tried on both http/https - with the http & http-transparent profile. I'm thinking along the lines of SSL/TLS getting in the way - might need to add
Removing the http profile and only using 1 server in the pool worked as expected.
Hi chris_wood ,
While assinging my iRule script in your virtual server, did you assign the correct pool in Virtual server resources ?
you sould assign a pool has 2 pool members ( and only replace first "x.x.x.x" by first pool member IP and do the same with the second pool member ip )
Please Take this Packet capture to see the server and client side connections , and see the effect from F5 Bigip
tcpdump -nnni 0.0:nnnp -vvv -w /var/tmp/path_test.pcap host x.x.x.x
#put Client_ip address instead of "x.x.x.x"
I will be waiting your response
- chris_woodJun 29, 2023
Thanks very much for your help! Really appreciated.
I added the web server certificate as a client/server SSL profile, this helped the F5 load balance as expected - however it still wasn't re-writing the URI (this was most likely a config issue on my end)
During out T/Shooting - we decided to go down the web server redirect route as this easy to implement.
- Jun 29, 2023
HI chris_wood ,
Take Packet capture in both sides Client/server sides you will be able to see that Bigip rewrites your URI ,
Look at this from my enviroment after testing the iRule that I shred it with you :
where : >>> Client address >>> Virtual server >>> F5 Bigip selfip address in server side/ ( intrtnal vlan) >>> Server 1
Do you observe the rewriting of the uri , according to choose server 1 in loadbalancing.
Also this when Loadbalancing algorithm chose server 2 : >>> server 2
So that take a packet capture that I sent in my last reply and the the change through F5 bigip first.
if the rewriting goes well , send it to the server owner and tell him that he needs some modification from his side as bigip did it's job.
Let me know if you need somthing
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