Forum Discussion

BaltoStar_12467's avatar
Dec 26, 2013

BIG-IP : redirect loop : debugging techniques

BIG-IP 11.4.0 Build 2384.0 Final

In my hosts file I point
to my web-server IP, and in my client-browser I submit the request

and the page is returned as expected..

In BIG-IP , I have configured a single virtual-server

with a single iRule

  log local0. "HTTP_REQUEST received by irule-01"
  log local0. "host = [HTTP::host]"
  log local0. "uri = [HTTP::uri]"
  switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
    "" {
      switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
        "/api/*" {
          pool service-pool-01
        default {
          log local0. "matched default pool"       
          pool default-pool-01

Now, in my hosts file I point
, and in my client-browser I submit the request

and the client-browser reports an infinite-redirect error

"This webpage has a redirect loop"

BIG-IP > System > Logs > Local Traffic

Rule /Common/irule-01 : HTTP_REQUEST received by irule-01`
Rule /Common/irule-01 : host =
Rule /Common/irule-01 : uri = /natural-language-url-1
Rule /Common/irule-01 : matched default pool

... repeat 10 times ...

Fiddler shows that 21 302-redirects have occurred :

Result          302
Protocol        HTTP
URL             /natural-language-url-1
Body            185
Caching         private
Content-Type    text/html; charset=utf-8
Process         chrome:7516

NOTE 1 : on vip-01, Source Address Translation = Auto-Map

NOTE 2 : I have complete control over the web-server ( remote access with ability to modify configuration, run diagnostics, perform local tests, etc. )

NOTE 3 : The web-server expects the request to include the domain. Sending a request with host = {web-server-host-name} , or host = {web-server-ip} will throw an error because IIS will be unable to locate the virtual app.

What are some debugging techniques I can deploy to further diagnose the underlying cause of the redirect loop ?

  • From the command line, type:


    This will show you all of the interfaces on the system. If for example you've named the internal VLAN "internal", then you can actually use this VLAN name in tcpdump.

    tcpdump -lnni internal -Xs0    

    If you wanted to show traffic from all interfaces, you can use 0.0

    tcpdump -lnni 0.0 -Xs0

    As for additional filters, assuming you have other traffic on the internal VLAN that you want to not see, you can add filters to the tcpdump to limit what you capture. So for example, if the web server is listening on port 80 and its IP address is, a tcpdump with additional filtering might look like this:

    tcpdump -lnni internal -Xs0 host and port 80    

    The -Xs0 option will dump the layer 7 payload to the screen, so you'll be able to see a 302 response if it is in fact coming from the web server.

  • John_Alam_45640's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Looking at the response from curl command, the server header says "Microsoft iis". That pretty much guarantees that it is the server that is sending the 302 redirect.


    If the bigip sent a 302, the server header would have been "BIGIP". unless it is configured to masquerade as an iis server which I don't think you did.


  • Good catch John. So BaltoStar you should definitely see the 302 coming from the web server, which now of course begs the question, why? Is there ANYTHING configured in IIS or the application itself that could do this? Specifically, what conditions might the web server or be configured to issue a redirect? Given that the layer 7 HTTP requests are virtually identical, can it not like the source address? Do you see any differences in the HTTP request on the client side of the F5 and on the server side, as in the F5 may be altering the request along the way? You'd see this in your internal tcpdump. Is there otherwise anything different between a direct request and the proxied request other than the source address? If you were to stand up a simple generic web page in IIS, can you get it through the F5?