Forum Discussion
Basic findstr question
I think that last part is meant to "anchor" the expression. The idea would be to end the expression with either "&" (which means the next parameter follows), "#" (a URL fragment) or $ (end of the line - no other parameters).
However, practically I don't believe it does a whole lot, because \w in the second capture group already limits the match to only alpha-numeric (which "&" isn't). It also doesn't really prevent overmatching of the first ".*" which would come into play if you have another "@" anywhere else in the query string after the user parameter.
There's probably a million ways to do this and a lot of it depends on how robust you want or need to make it. What if there are multiple user parameters? What about a user parameter with no "@" or no value at all? Can there be special characters in the user name? If the domain is always the same you could even match that literally.
I would probably start with something like this:
But as I said, a million ways...
As you say, a million ways to die in the regex engine ...
To be honest, I was trying to compensate for the requirement from the OP
> If my user ID is, but has additional data after the, is there a way to tell the findstr command not to return the data after the domain?
I was guessing what data might be after the domain if there wasn't another &
In a correctly specified URI, the only valid element separators once you are past the path and have reached query parameters are query parameter separators (&, ;) or the fragment specifier (#), or a line end ( and I missed the ;).
Special characters should be %-encoded in the URL at this stage, but I haven't accounted for %-encoding in the domain portion, because there probably shouldn't be any (the only allowed non-alphanumeric in a fqdn is a dash - , which probably needs inclusion as well).
It gets complicated, real quick ...
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