Forum Discussion

jquinterop's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 03, 2024

Balancing failure

Hello team,

Currently I have a problem with a whitening of an application, this consumes the f5 through 2 servers which the ips are static and brings a request with two connection threads (this I achieved with a persistence of origin) however when delivering to the 2 backends all traffic goes by only one, has it happened or know how I can do to balance by the 2 backends? 

  • Hiii how r u?


    You have a vip with asociate a pool with 2 backend server
    what method of balanced are you using?
    in this case you need use a more typical method, round robin. With this method you will balanced the traffic betweend 2 servers backend.


    Best regards!

    • jquinterop's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus


      I am using Round Robin and I even applied what the following article says but it did not work.

  • Hi jquinterop


    Could you please what s the persistence time value you set in the configuration? If persistence time is very high, there will uneven load balancing. Also please confirm which load balancing method you are using and how many connections difference you are seeing in each servers




    • jquinterop's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus


      Actually I left the default time that brings the source address afinity that if I'm not wrong is 180 seconds, in the balancing algorithm I have a round robin. 

      • Aswin_mk's avatar
        Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

        You can try least connection(per member) and verify the outcome. Could you please confirm how much difference in connection between each server 


