"It would probably be faster to open a case on this,"
Already done - see C801912. Thought I'd get this in front of the community, perhaps other people can learn from my mistakes.
"can you try removing the actual class file (rm /var/class/sorrypage.class) and then retry the config save? "
I believe I did that after fooling around with the Sorry page. At any rate it's not there ...
[root@co-net-997sc:Active] config cd /var/class
[root@co-net-997sc:Active] class ls -ltr
total 0
[root@co-net-997sc:Active] class rm /var/class/sorrypage.class
rm: cannot lstat `/var/class/sorrypage.class': No such file or directory
[root@co-net-997sc:Active] class b config save /var/tmp/ltm_backup
Saving active configuration...
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Fatal: executing: md5sum /config/""/var/class/sorrypage.class"
Operation aborted.
/tmp/configsync.spec: Error creating package
WARNING:There are error(s) during saving.
Not everything was saved.
Be very careful when using this saved file!
Error creating package
BIGpipe: 01110001:3: Error running config save
[root@co-net-997sc:Active] class