Forum Discussion

LukasM_184208's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2015

ASM url extensions "learning" new extensions

Hi, I have a problem with ASM trying to suggest extensions that don't exist like .55 .66 .78 etc.


We have a web apps that put a lot of data into urls and and sometimes there are 2-3 random characters after a dot at the end, for example .xsa .12 .45 etc. ASM acts like it is a new file extension and suggests adding .55 extension.. Is there any way of fixing this other then by adding a "*" to allowed extensions and blacklist all unwanted ones?


  • Hi,

    you can use wildcard entities. Wildcard syntax:

     Wildcard Character     Matches
     *                         All characters
     ?                         Any single character
     [abcde]                   Exactly one of the characters listed
     [!abcde]                  Any character not listed
     [a-e]                 Exactly one character in the range
     [!a-e]                    Any character not in the range