Forum Discussion

JamesWi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 30, 2025

ASM Attack Signatures "Ready to be Enforced" change with iControl Rest API v17.1.x


Did anyone found out yet how to change the attack signatures that are "Ready to be Enforced" in v17.1.x can be change to "enforced" true Rest API ??

i'm trying to using this url: https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/[policy-id]/signatures?ver=17.1.2
i can change all staging ones but but find to combination with "Ready to be Enforced" items.

in K94215981 the talk about the attributes "hasSuggestions,
"wasUpdatedWithinEnforcementReadinessPeriod" but it looks like the dont exist anymore in v17.1.x

Any help is welcome.

GIU -> Security > Policies > Policy List > (policy name) > Attack Signatures  menu, and filter Status: Ready to be enforced.


  • Extra info on this that im doing this rest api with ansible.builtin.uri module without any $filter option that is being using the KB articles.