Forum Discussion

Romain_Vergnio1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 30, 2012

ASM : disabling attack signatures on a specific cookie




I would like to disable some attack signatures on a specific server generated cookie on a LTM/ASM v10.2.4. This is pretty straightforward to do this for a parameter but it does not seem possible to configure ASM to do this for a specific cookie. The only workaround seems to disable globally the signature for all headers which is not a satifsying solution.



Is there anything I missed in the ASM configuration ?



Kind regards,




  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Romain,



    In 11.x you can enforce specific cookies. You can disable an attack signature on a per-header name=value basis using Header-Based Content Profiles that are configured on a URL. In v10, I think you're stuck disabling the signature on all headers.


