Forum Discussion

EdwardM_383282's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2019

APM with SAML SP and AD and RSA authentication



I have the folowing question.




Customer has a resource behind APM that they want to provide access to their (1) own users who will use AD authentication and RSA Securid (2) They also want to provide access to partners with the APM configured to use SAML SP to the partners' own IdPs I believe that I know how to configure (1) and (2) separately. The question is how to configure this using the same landing page and same login page. I asssume that the users domain (@domain) would be used to differentiate between the local AD and RSA users and the partners on the one hand and also between the partners I assume that their specific domains could be mapped to the relevant IdPs. I am not sure how to put this together and I assume that the logon page would need three items: username, password and passcode or is there some other way to do this?


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


1 Reply

  • Hi,


    You could create a separate landing URI for the partner and use the landing URI VPE branch to make the distinction between the partner and the company users.



