Forum Discussion

brad_11480's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 28, 2017

APM iOS Access On Demand VPN connection trigger if Domain List is empty

When the F5 VPN iOS Access client is configured to 'connect on demand', what is the behavior if there is nothing defined in the list of domains?


Our observation is that it is connecting immediately and will remain connected to the VPN as long as the device is awake. If it sleeps it will reconnect when the device wakes up.


While this is not what we want.. we need to add some domains to the list for 'always connect' and probably 'never connect', we were a bit surprised as we expected that it wouldn't bring the VPN connection up at all if there wasn't anything in the domain list.


Simply asking for confirmation of what is designed and how it should be behaving in this setup. Thanks!


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