Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • This is in the connectivity profile.


    1. Navigate to "Secure Connectivity" under APM
    2. select your connectivity profile
    3. click "customize package"
    4. Uncheck "BigIP Edge Client" and any other option you don't want.
    5. click download.

    This is also prompted to be installed when you access the APM with IE.




  • Oh found it, thanks so much!


    Is this specific to connectivity profile in anyway? If I'm testing with my lab edition, will I need to download a new one for my production?


    • Seth_Cooper's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      If the prod box needs to update the components it will when you connect.
    • kunjan's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Also, ensure "Component Update" is 'Yes".