Thanks Juergen for your reply.
I never saw any values of the JWT in the session variables. Which is kinda weird.
So when digging further, I can see that in fact, no JWT is returned during a normal authentication.
Which steps needs to be done on APM to request a JWT ?
The flow is the following (output from OauthFlows on chrome) (data has been obfuscated for privacy) :
Request 1 {
Explanation: "GET from ORIGINATOR(previous page) => REDIRECTURL(Current page)",
date: "2023-04-20T06:28:34.747Z",
originator: "",
redirectURL: {
baseURL: "/my.policy..."
postData: "No POST"
Request 2 {
Explanation: "GET from ORIGINATOR(previous page) => REDIRECTURL(Current page)",
date: "2023-04-20T06:28:34.787Z",
originator: "",
redirectURL: {
baseURL: "<<tenant_id>>/oauth2/v2.0/a...",
client_id: "<<client_id>>",
redirect_uri: "",
response_type: "code",
scope: "openid offline_access",
state: "scrambled",
nonce: "scrambled"
postData: "No POST"
Request 3 {
Explanation: "GET from ORIGINATOR(previous page) => REDIRECTURL(Current page)",
date: "2023-04-20T06:28:34.810Z",
originator: "<<tenant_id>>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=<<client_id>>&",
redirectURL: {
baseURL: "",
code: "0.AQUAJPdyoscrambleda_Y2JLGEMOP7_jvauChDoYvhuV0SNaiH4cL0y9BdPmKosg2fIHNO6LDH6aeSVi0o3-shNW7IXwftrCEnu8n39u38ejKGtASR82iwB9VUpzQZRxMnaXRYosKIxn9DH_g1j_kN11SnP6CTYFPEbqVB0TCFqLrCUdoMbu1fZwzPhXFLjI8FlfBrw51GKA_MD4raTG96bHsg4OZ1v0PzHTIH_IgZiUOiqLgWJN_YTamV5PNLCrnYL7hKgQ",
state: "5bPJXhN6AfzkpnznAa0accg",
session_state: "11cdd02d-b7aa-4c0c-a851-e88feaa4f419"
postData: "No POST"
Request 4 {
Explanation: "GET from ORIGINATOR(previous page) => REDIRECTURL(Current page)",
date: "2023-04-20T06:28:34.971Z",
originator: "",
redirectURL: {
baseURL: "/..."
postData: "No POST"
If more information are required on the configuration on the f5/apm or azure ad feel free to ask.
Thanks in advance for your help