Forum Discussion
Feb 08, 2017MVP
Hi Stefano,
unfortunately you can't reset the inactivity timeout for a given user session via the various [ACCESS::*] commands. You have to pass the APM filter using a valid MRHSession=SID cookie to reset the inactivity timer.
Depending on your detailed usecase, you could try to impersonate the ongoing HTTP request containing the provided [HTTP::header value sid] value and then request either a 1x1.gif on the backend systems or even a specific code block within the ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED event. Check out the iRule below to get some ideas...
set sidToRefresh [HTTP::header value sid]
if { $sidToRefresh ne "" } then {
if { [ACCESS::session exists -state_allow -sid $sidToRefresh] } then {
HTTP::cookie remove MRHSession
HTTP::cookie insert name MRHSession value $sidToRefresh
set reset_timeout 1
} else {
HTTP::respond 200 content "The requested SID \"$sidToRefresh\" does not exists or is already inactive"
} else {
The request does not contain a SID header.
if { [info exists reset_timeout] } then {
ACCESS::respond 200 content "Successfully reset the timeout timer for SID \"$sidToRefresh\""
unset -nocomplain reset_timeout
Note: If the solution above doesn't fit into your usecase, then please explain a little bit more what you're trying to accomplish.
Cheers, Kai