Forum Discussion

caulfiedd_spurr's avatar
Apr 14, 2020

any way get ltm pool member configuration with single rest api request instead of one by one

is there any way to get pool member configuration with single rest api request instead of one by one ,or if there any batch request of pool member configuration

2 Replies

  • I don't know in python, but with the Java SDK, there is a method to get the members of an array of pools :

    String pool[]=new String[20] ; //Your array of pool here
    CommonAddressPort PoolMember[][]==icInterfaces.getLocalLBPool().get_member_v2(pool) ; 

    So maybe there is something similar in python.

  • Hello caulfiedd spurred.


    The next SDK command is equivalent to this REST query

    pools =
    #REST query -->  https:// <F5_mgmt_IP>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool

    If you check the REST query manually, you will see that the output is next:

      "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:poolcollectionstate",
      "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool?ver\u003d12.1.5",
      "items": [
          "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate",
          "name": "P-AKIRA_80",
          "partition": "Common",
          "fullPath": "/Common/P-AKIRA_80",
          "generation": 293,
          "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~P-AKIRA_80?ver\u003d12.1.5",
          "allowNat": "yes",
          "allowSnat": "yes",
          "ignorePersistedWeight": "disabled",
          "ipTosToClient": "pass-through",
          "ipTosToServer": "pass-through",
          "linkQosToClient": "pass-through",
          "linkQosToServer": "pass-through",
          "loadBalancingMode": "round-robin",
          "minActiveMembers": 0,
          "minUpMembers": 0,
          "minUpMembersAction": "failover",
          "minUpMembersChecking": "disabled",
          "monitor": "/Common/gateway_icmp",
          "queueDepthLimit": 0,
          "queueOnConnectionLimit": "disabled",
          "queueTimeLimit": 0,
          "reselectTries": 0,
          "serviceDownAction": "none",
          "slowRampTime": 10,
          "membersReference": {
            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~P-AKIRA_80/members?ver\u003d12.1.5",
            "isSubcollection": true

    As you can see above, you are collecting the whole information of the pool configuration, but not about the pool members, which is a subcollection and it should be gathered individualy

    "membersReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~P-AKIRA_80/members?ver\u003d12.1.5",
        "isSubcollection": true

    If you want to know more about the pool members, you should query them using this next code (in the comment I show you the underlying REST query)

    for pool in pools:
    	print("Pool: {}".format(
    	for member in pool.members_s.get_collection():
    		#REST query -->   https:// <F5_mgmt_IP>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/<pool_name>/members
    		print("Member: {}".format(

    Let me know if this is helpful.


