Feb 06, 2023Cirrus
Ansible Module for bash against F5 LTM
Hi folks,
I'm trying to find an Ansible module that will actually work for bash against F5 LTMs. I've tried command, shell, and with no luck.
Alternatively an Ansible module that could execute a shell script already on the F5 LTMs would work as well.
Here are a couple examples of the bash commands I'm trying to execute:
tmsh save sys ucs lb1.ucs
scp /var/local/ucs/lb1.ucs admin@
tmsh load sys ucs base.ucs
sleep 120
tmsh load sys ucs platform-migrate lb1.ucs
sleep 120
tmsh modify cm traffic-group traffic-group-1 ha-order none
tmsh modify cm device-group Employee_Sync_Failover devices none
tmsh delete cm trust-domain all
tmsh modify cm device lb1.fb configsync-ip none unicast-address none mirror-ip any6
tmsh delete net route all
tmsh delete net self all
tmsh delete net vlan all
tmsh modify sys global-settings mgmt-dhcp enabled
tmsh save sys ucs USE2-LBEMPL01A.ucs
cd /opt/aws/awscli-2.2.29/bin/dist
./aws s3 cp /var/local/ucs/lb2.ucs s3://f5-bubble-sync-fb5095-us-east-2/lb2/lb2.ucs