Forum Discussion
AFM deny log level
not sure if it possible, we have AFM and high speed logging forwarding deny logs to a syslog server. We seen that the syslog level is
Is it possible to change it to another level, like "warning"
- Seattle2k
Hi Man_Yau. Need more information, please.
Do you mean, you only want logs with level 'warning' (and lower) to be sent to the syslog server? Is being set within an iRule?
Have you checked the configuration of the Log Filter? (System > Logs > Configuration > Log Filters). Specifically, the Severity setting.
The severity level that you select includes all of the severity levels that display above your selection in the list. For example, if you selectEmergency, the system publishes only emergency messages to the log.
If you select Critical, the system publishes critical, alert, and emergency-level messages in the log.
- Man_Yau
Hi Seattle2k, is what we seen in our syslog server and we dont have an irule for setting log level, so i assume it is standard by F5. I'm trying to see if i got it higher to warning level.
I have just checked that settings, but which is source should i select? There is too many that i can choose from, but with the log filers, are we able to change the log level from info to warning?
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