Forum Discussion

Carlos_Bottcher's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 23, 2012

Adding external monitors




I am trying to create a new external monitor using command:






tmsh create ltm monitor external test defaults-from external run /config/monitors/test




But always get the following error:




0107134a:3: File object by name (/config/monitors/test) is missing.




Could someone help?





  • Hi Carlos,



    for bigip versions 10.1.0 - 10.2.4, external monitors are to be configured in /config/monitors directory. So, can you try by just giving the file name instead of the path ?



    something like: tmsh create ltm monitor external test defaults-from external run test



    - Santosh


  • Hi Santosh,



    thanks for your help.



    I am working with version 11.



    Finally, I found the mistake, I used a wrong name loading the file-name in the webinterface. :(