Forum Discussion
Add X-Forwarded-For to websocket traffic
Good day everyone
We have websocket traffic which is load balanced by F5 and we would like to add X-Forwarded-For to it so we can have clients real IP in server.
As I read about it the websocket traffic starts by http connection and the continues with websocket.
I added HTTP profile (with XFF enabled) and all of our connections were dropping.
Can anybody help me on this?
- Ismael_GoncalvesEmployee
Have you configured a websocket profile? FolyqNimbostratus
No I haven't
Should I add http profile (with XFF enabled) and websocket profile to Virtual Server?
- Ismael_GoncalvesEmployee
That's correct but also, if the traffic is encrypted , you also need to have Client SSL profile and Server SSL profile for the proper SSL decrypt/re-encrypt. Otherwise, BIG-IP will see only encrypted traffic.
- FolyqNimbostratus
Thanks Ismael
I will try it and get back to you.
Also should I apply the http profile in the client side or server side?
- Ismael_GoncalvesEmployee
The HTTP profile does not have client/server sides context. Also, check here for TLS options you might want to configure:
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