Forum Discussion

Matt_70198's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 11, 2015

Active/standby pair 2000S with 2200S?

I'm not sure if the C112 chassis is different for 2000S and 2200S, or if it is the same and the license defines capabilities. But we have a 2000S and 2200S we want to pair in active/standby.


Would this work as is since licensing is the same? Or would we fall under a scenario where we need 11.4 and the load-aware failover feature?


LB A: Platform Name BIG-IP 2200 System Information Type C112 Active Modules LTM, Base, 2000S


LB B: Platform Name BIG-IP 2000 System Information Type C112 Active Modules LTM, Base, 2000S


  • I would suggest to open a support case to have a 100% confirmation (not only that it works, but that F5 supports it for you future support cases). But the plateform (C112) is the same. 2200s is such because of the license. I would then beleive they are not seen as different HW devices in the perspective of DSC/HA.