Forum Discussion

leosilvapaiola_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 18, 2019

AAM functionalities in Best Bundle?

Hello guys!   We have a RFP in our hands and we are thinking in a iSeries appliance with Best Bundle.   Now, there's one bullet which says:   "The server must allow the real-time optimizatio...
  • Dave_McCauley_3's avatar
    Mar 18, 2019

    That's correct. AAM is EOL on newer appliances such as the iSeries. Some of the features are just in LTM now, but anything that required the disk cache such as webp and jpeg optimization, or the inlining features are pretty much gone.


    Do they specify what type of optimizations they need? You can remove comments from HTML and potentially CSS or javascript with html content profiles. You can also optimize delivery via compression and TCP express. Images can be cached in ramcache, but the old optimization in AAM isn't really supported anywhere else in the product.


    Hope this helps!