Forum Discussion

wlopez's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Mar 04, 2010

3400 ltm performance on v10.1

I need to upgrade the version of a redundant pair of 3400s running LTM only with version 9.4.1. I opened up a case a few months ago because of a recurring issue and they told me to update the boxes to at least v9.4.8.355. I have some newer boxes (3600s)running 10.0 and 10.1. I'm thinking of upgrading the 3400s to v10.1, but I can't find any document or benchmark that indicates if the performance of the older boxes running the new releases.



Is there any table or document that indicates if running v10.1 will have a negative impact on performance on older hardware?

13 Replies

  • I'm new in F5, I've some 3400 would like to upgrade to v10 because of routing domain, ramcache and compression features. As my support vendor said it will have seious performance issue, they're not recommand v10, and suggest me directly replace all 3400 by 3600. However, I'm just have simple web (http and https) load balancing without any iRule. I also checked all 3400 only use around 10% CPU and memory. I'm not sure my Vendor recommandation is ture. Is there any prerequisite and procedure can share? Thanks!
  • Posted By Stanley on 08/11/2010 08:56 AM


    I'm new in F5, I've some 3400 would like to upgrade to v10 because of routing domain, ramcache and compression features. As my support vendor said it will have seious performance issue, they're not recommand v10, and suggest me directly replace all 3400 by 3600. However, I'm just have simple web (http and https) load balancing without any iRule. I also checked all 3400 only use around 10% CPU and memory. I'm not sure my Vendor recommandation is ture. Is there any prerequisite and procedure can share? Thanks!



    At the end of the day, you have to do what your support vendor says because if you don't, they'll likely say "I told you so" for every issue you come across. While you have a simple deployment today...that might change in the future and you might eventually encounter issues? I'd recommend (if you haven't already) talking to them about your specific environment. If you commit to only using your box for certain things, they should be able to commit to supporting it for those specific things.
  • wlopez's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Just to let you know I did the upgrade of the 3400s to version 10.2 back in April and the boxes have been working fine since then. No performance issues so far. We're only running LTM on them on Active/Standby mode.