Forum Discussion

Anish_Srivastav's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 25, 2011

301 redirect tracking

We have a situation where we want to redirect all users hitting a virtual server to another virtual server and be able to track those redirects.



For e.g.



If a user requests ], we want to be able to redirect to ], which is easily achievable through an iRule, however is it possible to be able to pass a server variable or another method to the request so, that we are able to track somehow that the user initially requested ] and was then redirected to ?



















  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Anish,

    You could either check the Referer header on the virtual server. Or you could append the original host and URI to the redirect as a query string parameter:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Redirect all requests to a new URL with the host appended to the redirect
        If there is no query string already append the url parameter to the path with a ?
       if {[HTTP::query] eq ""}{
          HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]?url=[HTTP::host][URI::encode [HTTP::uri]]"
       } else {
           There was a query string already so append the url parameter to the existing query string with a &
          HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]&url=[HTTP::host][URI::encode [HTTP::uri]]"

  • Thanks Hoolio



    I thought about this....but, is there any other way to achieve this without using URL parameter....maybe using a cookie?



    Also, using referrer doesn't work because from what I have seen, in case of a redirect, the referrer retains the original referrer



    i.e. if someone came to from a link in google, twhen he/she gets redirected to, the referrer retains google as value.





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You won't be able to set a cookie as the client is requesting to one domain and being redirected to a new domain. If the referer isn't set for this scenario, I think a query string parameter is your best option.


