Forum Discussion

syelvarthi_1402's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Dec 20, 2013

2FA SSL Certificates

HI Experts,


Looking your kind help to solve my authentication issues.


We are deploying the 2FA, and designed the setup already and it works in the demo enviornment without client certificate authentication rule..but if enable client certificate authentication it did not work and not sure whats the mistake.


brief.. BIG-IP APM. RADIUS Server. Standalone CA. Clients outside domain laptops, no access for web enrollment.


We want to use own SSL certificate for authentication instead buy one from public.


Created standalone CA, downloaded ROOT Certificate and added in the BIG-IP for Certificate validation.


Created Client Certificate and installed in the laptop, when trying to get in VPN thorugh EDGE client it did not work.


Please help me if i need to do anything special in the certification side in order to make it work.


Thanks to help.




2 Replies

  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Skumar, I believe you will be better off opening a case with f5 support and provide data showing your config and they will be able to assist.


    Thanks, Pascal.


  • Hi pascal,


    I am happy to do... I like to know whethe the F5 BIG-IP APM is compatible to wok with own Microsoft SSL Root CA and Client CA for first level authentication.


    Regards, Skumar.