Is Window 7 supported?
Hello. I sucessfully usedBIG-IP Edge Client in Windows 7 but yesterday it auto-updated installing CAB files for a long time and after that it was impossible to connect to any server. I uninstalled it and now I cannot install it again. Installation process installs ActiveX components, then drivers and quickly rollbacks saying that there was error and installation was not successful. I understand that Windows 7 maybe not supported, but just to be sure that it is so. If you need some additional logs and information feel free to ask.1.1KViews0likes2CommentsWindows 7, IE10, F5 Protected Workspace and Firepass suddenly stopped working
Hi I am an end user of the F5 firepass VPN solution to enable me to connect to my work PC via Remote Desktop using a Protected Workspace. I know that there are a number of articles written about this on the F5 site but I was not able to find one which covers my situation. My firepass was working and the after one window update it stopped working, I have uninstalled the update but it still doesn't work. When I try it switches to the Protected Workspace correctly but does not spawn an IE session to carry on so that I can enter my login details. Also if I try and open an IE session in the Protected workspace it opens on the base machine outside of the Protected Workspace. I have tried uninstalling all F5 components and doing the install again but it has not worked. I have tried in IE and firefox and it's same error. I checked the logs and I can see the following error in f5dsklog file \main.cpp, 1085, HandlePwsCmd, Failed to wait for parent process to exit before launching a browser. Please help. Not sure if I'm asking in the right forum, please move if it's not supposed to be here. Thanks278Views0likes1Comment