102 TopicsBig-IP Edge Client / Windows 10 1809 - No internet connection with connected VPN
Hi everybody I've updated my computer to Windows 10 Build 1809: After a successfull connection with Big-IP Edge Client VPN the internet connection is broken. Ping to Google DNS servers with connected VPN: We have configured Network Access with "split tunneling". The very same VPN worked perfectly with the previous build of Windows 10 (1803). Version of VPN client: 7160,2018,417,2013 Does anyone run into the same problem? Thank you, JohnSolved7.4KViews0likes41CommentsSSL-VPN - Route all traffic NOT via the default gateway but via the CUSTOM gateway
Hi, We are working to implement a new VPN stream that ends on F5. Our goal is to terminate the SSL VPN on F5 but filter the traffic on the firewall, we don't want to do ACLs on F5. We need to set up a full tunnel. Our infrastructure is illustrated in a simplified way in the attached diagram However, we have problems with the routing of traffic as we do not want to allow clients to reach the network resources (Virtual Machine and Virtual Server) located in the networks directly connected on F5. To avoid this behavior we create a new DMZ network to use a SNAT of this network ( to route traffic to the firewall. The problems arose here as the traffic to the Internet takes the default network and then arrives on the firewall on the IP, while the traffic to the LAN 1 and LAN 2 uses the F5 selfIPs on those networks We would like to make sure that all traffic from the VPN arrives on the firewall on IP of the new DMZ network. We tried the following: 1) rotate the traffic to a specific gateway (https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K18487629) but it didn't work and the traffic to the LANs doesn't go through the firewall. We have created a new dedicated VS. 2) implemented a PBR via irule (https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K20510467) but it didn't work. We may have done something wrong in the configuration of the two points indicated above and we have tried the various combinations but we are unable to find any solution. Can you help us understand how to set up the correct flow? Is it possible to foresee that F5 does not follow the default routing and does not allow direct access to connected LANs? I hope the flow described is clear ThanksSolved3.5KViews0likes7CommentsF5Access | MacOS Sonoma
I upgraded my MacOS to Sonoma (the latest version of MacOS) and now F5 Access does not open When I try to open the application, nothing happens. The icon in the up menu bar does not appear. Is anyone passing through the same situation? Thanks! Thanks!Solved3.4KViews3likes53Commentscant access to management interface after vpn using apm established
i had configured network access vpn using APM module, i tried to split tunneling the network of my management access, but unfortunately when the vpn established i cant connect to my f5 management interface. i tried to add VS with my pool member is my f5 management ip address, where VS ip address is 1 network with my VPN user, the service is https, and the pool member is my f5 management ip address with service port is 443. and then the result is i can ping my VS but i cant connect to my VS which have the pool member is my f5 management ip address with port 443 any idea how can i access to my F5 after vpn using APM established? really appreciate your help thank you1.7KViews1like4CommentsF5 APM VPN Support For Microsoft O365 Split-Tunneling
We ran into a significant issue with remote VPN client performance when our Microsoft Office products moved to the O365 cloud offering. Our current limitation of "no split-tunneling" per corporate policy, prevented our users from establishing connectivity to their geographically preferable O365 cloud. Instead, their traffic could/would route back to the corporate F5 APM VPN BigIP and then out to the internet. Much longer path and real-time services such as Teams/Skype calls suffered greatly. Other vendors were also having issues with this such as ForcePoint (Websense) and McAfee. Those vendors released O365 specific patches to permit a better performance through various rules and methods. Our F5 APM VPN was the bottle-neck and we had to address this quickly. Approval was granted to permit ONLY O365 products to be split-tunneled. Luckily, Microsoft has fielded this question/requirement many times and they had a ready answer: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges Unfortunately, there's +500 IPv4 networks alone. Many are overlapping and some could be combined into a supernet. Not pretty, but workable. Using node.js, we developed a script that will pull-down the Microsoft IPv4 space, perform a CIDR clean on the networks, log into the F5 BigIP and push the Network Access exclude IP list, then apply the Access Policy in one shot. You can see the repo here: https://github.com/adamingle/f5O365SplitTunnelUpdateScript If you'd like to use the repo, please note the "settings.json" file. You will need to update according to the README.md Additionally, you will need to configure the allowable/tunneled traffic for the Network Access on VPN. If you only specify the exclusion space, there will be no inclusion space and no traffic will traverse the tunnel. Enable split-tunneling by checking the "Use split tunneling for traffic" radio button Add ALL networks to the "IPV4 LAN Address Space" with the IP Address and Mask Specify wildcard/asterisk for the "DNS Address Space" After you have the split-tunneling enabled on your Network Access Lists in F5 APM and you have correctly modified the "settings.json" file of your local f5O365SplitTunnelUpdateScript repo, you should be able to execute your O365 split-tunneling address exclusion changes. Use Jenkins or other automation tool to run the script automatically. Definitely worth a watch: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/BRK3141 *This has been tested/used successfully with the Edge client on v13.1.11.6KViews2likes7CommentsLinux CLI VPN Client - "Server certificate verification failed."
Hi all, We've recently gone live with our VPN (on v13 HF2) and some of our users have reported their having issues accessing the VPN from their Linux command line. On RHEL/Fedora, the VPN connection doesn't work. On Ubuntu, I can see the errors in the logs but it lets me through anyhow. After installing the package, they run the command to connect to the VPN: f5fpc -s -t https://ourvpn.com When querying how the connection went, I can see: f5fpc -i Connection Status: logon failed Server certificate verification failed. The certificate we're using is a properly signed QuoVadis cert. The ~/.F5Networks/standalone.log shows: 2017-07-24,14:39:27:019, 2839,2849,standalone, 0, /LinuxEventHandler.cpp, 924, , LinuxEventHandler::loadCAStore()- Using default Trusted cert store at=/etc/ssl/certs, for CA cert validation 2017-07-24,14:39:27:019, 2839,2849,standalone, 2, /LinuxEventHandler.cpp, 1052, LinuxEventHandler::verify_context_chain(), Server Cert chain is empty 2017-07-24,14:39:27:021, 2839,2849,standalone, 0, /LinuxEventHandler.cpp, 1063, , LinuxEventHandler::verify_context_chain() - X509_verify_cert(): verification error=2, string=unable to get issuer certificate 2017-07-24,14:39:27:021, 2839,2849,standalone, 48, /LinuxEventHandler.cpp, 68, CLinuxEventHandler::HandleEvent(), exit with, 0 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 2, /USSLChannel.cpp, 312, USSLChannel::Write, SSL_write failed (result: -1, error: SSL_ERROR_SSL) 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 1, /UHTTP.cpp, 38, UHTTP::makeRequest(), EXCEPTION - send request error 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 1, /UHTTP.cpp, 115, , EXCEPTION caught: UHTTP::makeRequest() - EXCEPTION 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 48, /UFirepass.cpp, 679, UFirepass::doGetRequestWithoutRedirect, server returned HTTP code, return code, 0, -1 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 1, /UFirepass.cpp, 688, UFirepass::doGetRequestWithoutRedirect, (0x27) EXCEPTION - Channel error, 39 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 48, /UChannelChain.cpp, 34, UChannelChain::~UChannelChain(), destroying channel 2. Stats (0) - Recv=3283 Send=524 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 48, /UChannelChain.cpp, 34, UChannelChain::~UChannelChain(), destroying channel 1. Stats (0) - Recv=3283 Send=524 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 1, /UFirepass.cpp, 782, , EXCEPTION caught: UFirepass::getFirepassToken - EXCEPTION 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 1, /UFirepass.cpp, 911, UFirepass::DoPrelogon, Failed to obtain logon token: prelogon is not enabled or Firepass server has version below 5.5 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 48, /UChannelChain.cpp, 55, UChannelChain::BuildChannels(), enter, 0x7: U_ENABLE_SOCKET_CHANNEL U_ENABLE_SSL_CHANNEL U_ENABLE_PROXY_CHANNEL 2017-07-24,14:39:27:022, 2839,2849,standalone, 48,,,, USSLChannel::USSLChannel:RAND_status(1) I've tried uploading the root/intermediate certificates to /etc/ssl/certs but still not luck. The workaround is to use the ignore certificate switch (-x) but I don't really want to do this. f5fpc -s -t https://ourvpn.com/ -x Any ideas?? Thanks, Nick1.6KViews0likes3CommentsAn invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server
Hi Guys! So we are building a per-app VPN setup using Intune för iOS (iPADOS) units and we pushed out F5 Access app along with Intune F5 Access App which is then configured using F5 Access VPN profile using authentication with certificate which is pushed out to the device from internal CA using connector. Certificates for device is installed fine along side with root and intermediate, the profile in F5 Access app has all the settings correct and the certificate is listed. On server side we also configured everything with access policy for iOS, we have added certificate for root and intermediate for trust and everything looks as it should but we seem to have missed something and are unable to initiate a VPN connection, the device attempts to start a VPN tunnel but failes to do so with error " An invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server" What are we missing? Something with the ceritficates? a setting on device? something on server we missed adding the trust? 2021-05-11,15:36:54:112, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:435, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), ------------------------------------------------------------ 2021-05-11,15:36:54:112, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:436, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Release Version: 3.0.7 2021-05-11,15:36:54:112, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:437, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Bundle Version: 2021-05-11,15:36:54:113, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:438, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Build Date: Mon Sep 9 12:13:19 PDT 2019 2021-05-11,15:36:54:113, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:439, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Build Type: CM 2021-05-11,15:36:54:113, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:440, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Changelist: 3134102 2021-05-11,15:36:54:114, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:441, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Locale: English (Sweden) 2021-05-11,15:36:54:114, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:442, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), ------------------------------------------------------------ 2021-05-11,15:36:54:117, 537,21259[com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint],PacketTunnel, 48, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:451, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Connection Parameters: Optional("serverAddress: https://ourserver.adress.com, password: , ignorePassword: false, passwordExpirationTimeStamp: -1, passwordReference: not-set, passwordExpired: false, identityReference: set, postLaunchUrl: , webLogon: false, launchedByUriScheme: false, vpnScope: device, startType: manual, deviceIdentity: assignedId: ,instanceId: ,udid: ,macAddress: ,serialNumber: ") 2021-05-11,15:36:54:229, 537,21259[com.apple.NSURLSession-delegate],PacketTunnel, 1, AsyncURLRequest.swift:186, urlSession(_:didReceive:completionHandler:), Server certificate can not be trusted. 2021-05-11,15:36:54:233, 537,21259[com.apple.NSURLSession-delegate],PacketTunnel, 1, ProfileDownloadOperation.swift:94, main(), Profile download failed: sslInvalidServerCertificate 2021-05-11,15:36:54:236, 537,10507[com.apple.root.default-qos],PacketTunnel, 1, SessionManager.swift:127, logon(connectionParams:completionHandler:), Failed to download Profile Settings...Error:sslInvalidServerCertificate 2021-05-11,15:36:54:237, 537,10507[com.apple.root.default-qos],PacketTunnel, 1, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:527, startTunnel(options:completionHandler:), Failed to logon Error Domain=f5PacketTunnelProvider Code=0 "An invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error Domain=PacketTunnel.AsyncURLRequestError Code=5 "An invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server", NSLocalizedDescription=An invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server} 2021-05-11,15:36:54:238, 537,10507[com.apple.root.default-qos],PacketTunnel, 1, PacketTunnelProvider.swift:383, displayMessageIfUIVisible, An invalid or expired certificate was presented by the server Any thoughts be much appreciated! Thanks in advance Alex1.6KViews0likes1CommentF5 VPN Broken on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Heads up, the Ubuntu package for the F5 VPN is broken under the upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The dependencies are clearly wrong since there has been an ABI change between Qt5.5 (as advertised) and Qt5.9 (installed) - The UI doesn't even show up. Listed dependencies: libqt5core5a (>= 5.5), libqt5network5 (>= 5.5), libqt5widgets5 (>= 5.5), libqt5gui5 (>= 5.5), libqt5dbus5 (>= 5.5), libqt5sql5 (>= 5.5), libqt5webkit5 (>= 5.5), libqt5opengl5 (>= 5.5), libqt5printsupport5 (>= 5.5) Since the package will likely be used on different debian-compatible architectures, it would be advisable to statically compile the library and remove the dependecy alltogether instead of relying on people having an ABI-compatible version that you compiled with. A timely update is appreciated, thanks.1.6KViews1like10Comments[Workaound] User required to manually start EPI and VPN in browsers
After upgrading to version 16.1.4 the users need to manually start the End Point Inspector and the Web Initiated VPN by clicking on a "Start" button. This is describe in this KB. I created a user-common.js that will automatically click on the start button for the user. However, please note that this workround works as of 3rd of November 2023, but might stop working in the future in different browsers. In order to activate the workaround you need to have an Access Policy of the Moden type. Then go to Customizations -> Advanced -> Acces Profiles -> <Your Access Profile> -> Common Add the followinf to the file user-common.js define(["require", "exports", "apmui"], function (require, exports, apmui_1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var app = apmui_1.App.get(); app.subscribe(apmui_1.EventType.EPS_CHECK_PROGRESS, function (_, store) { var btns = document.getElementsByClassName("apmui-button"); if (btns.length == 0) { console.log("Failed to find button..."); return; } btns[0].click(); }); app.subscribe(apmui_1.EventType.DIALOG_OPEN, function (_, store) { setTimeout(function () { var dialog = document.getElementById("sna_auto_start_not_supported"); if (dialog == null) { console.log("Didn't find the right dialog"); return; } var btns = dialog.getElementsByClassName("apmui-button"); if (btns.length == 0) { console.log("Didn't find the start button"); return; } btns[0].click(); }, 100); }); }); If you have a better solution to this, please let me know. This was just what I came up with when asked by customers that the new "Start" button had created confusion among their users.Solved1.3KViews5likes3Comments