two-factor authentication
3 TopicsAPM two-factor authentication issues.
Hello All I have a APM used two-factor authentication ,The first is AD auth and the second is DUO auth.Have been able to used two-factor authentication. My question is below: When the user used the VPN and then exit the F5 edge client. "After one hour".The user to login the F5 edge client again. I need the user to automatically skip AD authentication, only perform DUO authentication. If more than one hour, The users need to perform all the two-factor authentication. So. How to configurtion my APM ,To login again in one hour, only perform DUO authentication.? Thanks again everyone.296Views0likes1CommentTwo-Factor Authentication – Captive Portal
Technical Challenge F5 like most large enterprises organizations require Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) for employee remote connectivity. To meet this requirement IT integrated BIG-IP Access Policy Manager with a third-party vendor that provides One-Time Passwords (OTP). After users successfully authenticate they are prompted to provide their OTP that is then verified against a Radius server. Most of the time this works great but occasionally the employees preferred Operating System or VPN Client doesn’t support multiple authentication methods. BIG-IP Edge Client (Linux) F5 VPN Client (Windows 10) Inbox F5 VPN Client (Windows 8.1) Traditionally to work around these limitations employees would be required to concatenate their Password + OTP. While BIG-IP Access Policy Manager is capable of supporting concatenated passwords there is a more graceful option, TFA through a Captive Portal The Solution To workaround the limitation mentioned above IT decided to configure BIG-IP Access Policy Manager to allow all clients to establish a VPN for remote connectivity regardless of the clients ability to preform TFA. An iRule is used to determine whether or not the employee successfully completed TFA. Clients that natively support TFA are prompted to provide their username, password and OTP on initial connection. After they successfully authenticate and complete TFA they are granted access to the appropriate resources. Clients that do not support TFA are prompted to provide a valid username and password, after the employee successfully authenticates all HTTP & HTTPS requests are intercepted and a custom login page is returned in response. This custom login page prompts the user to provide a valid OTP. Until the employee provides the correct OTP all traffic is rejected by an iRule applied. Once the employee provides the correct OTP the iRule updates an BIG-IP Access Policy Manager session variable to indicate that the employee should have the same network access as clients that natively support TFA. Solution Caveat This solution will leverage layered virtual servers and this could negatively impact network access tunnel layer 4 ACL Putting Everything Together Step 1 – Update your “Remote Access” Access Policy We need to differentiate the clients that either do or do not support TFA, IT did this by configuring the BIG-IP Access Policy Manager access policy to detect the Client Type or Operation System as seen below. Step 2 – Create a Captive Portal Access Policy Since clients that don’t support TFA will not be able to validate their OTP against the “Remote Access” policy we will need to create an alternative way to validate their tokens. To do this create a second Access Profile and configure the Access Policy to validate the OTP token using the preferred method in ITs case that was radius. Step 3 – Upload the Captive Portal iFile If you have questions on iFiles please see => Referencing External Files Example Captive Portal HTML <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>TWO-Factor Captive Portal</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content=no-cache http-equiv=pragma> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" HREF="/public/include/css/apm.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <META id=viewport name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <META name=robots context="noindex,nofollow"> <TABLE id=page_header> <TBODY> <TR> <TD id=header_leftcell><IMG src="/public/images/my/flogo.png"></TD> <TD id=header_rightcell></TD></TR> <TR> <TD></TD> </TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE id=main_table class=logon_page> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style="WIDTH: 1%" id=main_table_info_cell> <FORM id=auth_form method=post name=e1 action="/my.policy" autocomplete="off"> <TABLE id=credentials_table> <TBODY> <TR> <TD id=credentials_table_header colSpan=2>TWO-Factor Token Validation</TD></TR> <TR> <TD id=credentials_table_postheader colSpan=2></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=credentials_table_unified_cell colSpan=2><LABEL for=text>Username</LABEL><INPUT id=input_1 class=credentials_input_text name=username disabled></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=credentials_table_unified_cell colSpan=2><LABEL for=text>One-Time Passcode</LABEL><INPUT id=input_2 type="tel" class=credentials_input_text name=password autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off"></TD></TR> <TR id=submit_row> <TD class=credentials_table_unified_cell><INPUT class=credentials_input_submit value=Validate type=submit></TD></TR> <TR> <TD id=credentials_table_footer colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT value=standard type=hidden name=vhost> </FORM> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <DIV id=page_footer> <DIV>This product is licensed from F5 Networks. © 1999-2014 F5 Networks. All rights reserved. </DIV></DIV> <DIV id=MessageDIV class=inspectionHostDIVSmall></DIV></BODY></HTML> Example Captive Portal Page Step 3.1 – Upload your Captive Portal page as an External File that can be referenced in the iRule below Step 3.2 – Assign your Captive Portal External File to an iFile that can be referenced in the iRule below Step 4 – Create the Captive Portal iRule The iRule listed below will be applied to a virtual that will be targeted with the virtual-to-virtual (V2V) function. The iRule will disable SSL for HTTP traffic on TCP Port 80 Re-write the Captive_Portal iFile that was uploaded earlier to reference CSS and Images associated to your main login page Checks to see if the request method is a POST or not If it is NOT a POST then return the Captive_Portal page If it is a POST then parse out the OTP token and validate it against the Captive_Portal access policy created earlier If the Access Policy result is “allow” then update the last radius result value to 1 and redirect the user to the originally requested content when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[TCP::local_port] eq 80} { SSL::disable clientside SSL::disable serverside } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set _un [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username] if {[HTTP::method] ne "POST"} { set _fqdn [ACCESS::session data get] set _captivePortal[ifile get "/Common/Captive_Portal.html"] set _captivePortal[string map [list "/my.policy" [HTTP::uri]] $_captivePortal] set _captivePortal[string map [list "HREF=\"" "HREF=\"https://$_fqdn"] $_captivePortal] set _captivePortal[string map [list "src=\"" "src=\"https://$_fqdn"] $_captivePortal] set _captivePortal[string map [list "input_1" "input_1 value=\"$_un\""] $_captivePortal] HTTP::respond 200 content $_captivePortal "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8" } elseif {[HTTP::method] eq "POST" } { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header content-length] } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set _payload"?[HTTP::payload]" set _otp[URI::query $_payload "password"] if {$_otp eq ""}{HTTP::redirect [HTTP::uri];return} set _flow_sid[ACCESS::session create -timeout 600 -lifetime 3600] set _profile"/Common/Captive_Portal" ACCESS::policy evaluate -sid $_flow_sid -profile $_profile session.logon.last.username $_un session.logon.last.password $_otp set _result[ACCESS::policy result -sid $_flow_sid] ACCESS::session remove -sid $_flow_sid if {$_result eq "allow"} { ACCESS::session data set session.radius.last.result 1 TCP::close HTTP::redirect [HTTP::uri] } else {HTTP::redirect [HTTP::uri]} HTTP::release } Step 5 – Create the Captive Portal Reject iRule This iRule will be applied to the Layered Virtual Server that will be created later on. This iRule checks to verify that user traffic has PASSED TFA before allowing it to access network resources. It will also detect webtop traffic and allow that through. If the employee has passed TFA or if they are requesting a proxied resource through the Portal Access Take no action ElseIF the employee has NOT passed TFA and they are NOT requesting a proxied resource and the request isn’t over UDP Use the V2V function referenced earlier to direct traffic to the Captive_Portal Virtual ElseIF the employee is requesting DNS traffic over TCP/UDP port 53 Take no action If you are concerned with DNS tunneling we could create Layered Virtual Server listening on port 53 and apply a GTM iRule that will intercept DNS Requests Else Reject traffic until the employee completes TFA when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set _radius[ACCESS::session data get session.radius.last.result] set _clientip[ACCESS::session data get session.assigned.clientip] if {$_radius eq 1 || $_clientip eq ""} { return } elseif {$_radius ne 1 && $_clientip ne "" && [IP::protocol] ne 17 } { virtual /Common/v2v_CaptivePortal_v4 } elseif {([IP::protocol] eq 17 && [UDP::local_port] eq 53) || ([IP::protocol] eq 6 && [TCP::local_port] eq 53) } { return } else { reject } } Step 6 – Create the virtuals that will be used to handle traffic Step 6.1 – Create the APM Layered Virtual This virtual server listens on the “connectivity” vlan. The “connectivity” vlan is associated with the connectivity profile applied to the virtual server used to provide employee remote access. It is commonly referred to as a Layered Virtual Server. For more information on Layered Virtual Servers (LVS) see => Common Deployment Examples for Single Sign-On This LVS will match all traffic except TCP port 80, a more specific LVS (_tmm_apm_fwd_vip_http) embedded within BIG-IP Access Policy Manager is used to enforce L4 ACL. See below on steps to create a more specific LVS to capture port 80 traffic ltm virtual lvs_CaptivePortal_v4_ANY { destination ip-protocol any mask any profiles { fastL4 { } } rules { Captive_Portal_Reject } source translate-address disabled translate-port disabled vlans { connectivity } vlans-enabled } Step 6.2 – Create the APM Layered Virtual that will match on TCP port 80 traffic The virtual created above will match on all traffic except TCP port 80, to capture that traffic we need to create a more specific virtual. ltm virtual lvs_CaptivePortal_v4_80 { destination ip-protocol tcp mask any profiles { fastL4 { } } rules { Captive_Portal_Reject } source translate-address disabled translate-port disabled vlans { connectivity } vlans-enabled } Step 6.3 – Create the V2V Captive Portal Virtual This virtual is used to display the Captive Portal created earlier and should NOT be assigned to any vlan. Optional - SSL Forward Proxy This example utilizes the SSL Forward Proxy functionality to display the prevent a certificate error from being displayed but is not required. For more information on SSL Forward Proxy see => Implmenting SSL Forward Proxy ltm virtual v2v_CaptivePortal_v4 { destination ip-protocol tcp mask any profiles { clientssl_proxy { context clientside } http { } serverssl_proxy { context serverside } tcp { } } rules { Captive_Portal } source translate-address disabled translate-port disabled vlans-enabled }3.7KViews0likes4CommentsAPM Logon Page Input Field
Is it possible to use the value of a custom session variable in "Logon Page Input Fields"? Instead of showing always the same text I need to show different texts in each session as we are using a grid card for sencond factor authentication and each time the system will ask for the value of two random cells.231Views0likes1Comment