Forum Discussion

Zackus_337084's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 05, 2018

Modification Problem - log ssh

Hi everyone,


I'm looking for a way to resolve my problem.


I want to modifiy page on F5 (advcanced customisation) but I can't "apply access policy".


I called F5 support and They looked the log file on SSH.


There was an errno=(No such file or directory) message.


So we recreate the folder and the file.


after this modification I can modify pages but today I can't and if I go to SSH log there is already error message errno=(No such file or directory). This is the same folder and file that we recreated with F5 Support.


Is there any solution to recreate permanently folder and file ? why did this file/folder remove every week


Thanks in advance




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