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13 TopicsPython module to post and retrieve IControl Rest JSON objects for AVR statistics
Problem this snippet solves: This module simplifies making Python dictionary objects that are converted to IControl rest AVR JSON objects. It also handles making AVR requests and retrieving results as well allowing multiple AVR requests to be queued, posted and retrieved. It also has some basis type checking for the elements of a AVR request. This module requires Bigip 12.1 on the target that statistics are retrieved. How to use this snippet: The main class is rest_avr.avr_req. It is a dictionary class that maps directly to an IControl Rest AVR JSON request as translated by json.dumps. Each dictionary element is an object derived from a customer class for each part of the request. The element classes have add() and clear() functions. if the element class only allows one entry the add() function will replace the existing entry, otherwise it will append the entry to the request element. The rest_avr.avr_req class also has functions to populate the HTTP host and authentication values for the target system. rest_avr.avr_req.post_and_response returns the Python representation of the JSON result of the query. rest_avr.avr_req.add_to_queue() adds the currently constructed request to a queue of requests to post. rest_avr.avr_req.post_and_response_queue() returns a python list of results of queued queries. The following code sample constructs, posts and returns results for an AVR statistics request for specific DNS records and a specificrecord type, then queues multiple quests and posts and returns results. #!/usr/bin/python import json import sys import time import rest_avr #print rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi #Populate the url avr_dns_req=rest_avr.avr_req() avr_dns_req.auth('admin','admin') avr_dns_req.url_base('','dns') #Populate the json object avr_dns_req['analyticsModule'].add('dns') avr_dns_req['reportFeatures'].add('time-aggregated') avr_dns_req['entityFilters'].add('domain-name', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', ['','']) avr_dns_req['entityFilters'].add('query-type', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', ['a']) avr_dns_req['viewMetrics'].add('packets') avr_dns_req['viewDimensions'].add('domain-name') avr_dns_req['metricFilters'].add('packets', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN', 0) avr_dns_req['sortByMetrics'].add('packets', 'ascending') avr_dns_req['pagination'].add(20, 0) avr_dns_req['timeRange'].add(1461778251000000, None) #Post and retrieve results. result_py=avr_dns_req.post_and_response() if result_py != None: print ('\n' + result_py['results']['timeAggregated'][0]['dimensions'][0]['value'] + " " + result_py['results']['timeAggregated'][0]['metricValues'][0]['value'] + '\n') else: print result_py.error_layer print result_py.error_code print result_py.error_text # Now add multiple requests to a queue avr_dns_req.add_to_queue() avr_dns_req['entityFilters'].clear() avr_dns_req['entityFilters'].add('query-type', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', ['aaaa']) avr_dns_req.add_to_queue() #post and retrieve queued results result_py_q=avr_dns_req.post_and_response_queue() for result_py in result_py_q: if result_py != None: print ('\n' + result_py['results']['timeAggregated'][0]['dimensions'][0]['value'] + " " + result_py['results']['timeAggregated'][0]['metricValues'][0]['value'] + '\n') else: print result_py.error_layer print result_py.error_code print result_py.error_text Code : """ rest_avr provides a python interface to Bigip AVR statistics using the REST API. The main Python rest_avr.avr_req object is a Python dictionary that maps to a JSON object that can be processed with the json.dumps() function An IControl Rest AVR JSON request and response can be initiated with avr_req.post_and_response The simple description of the API can is available at avr_req.ShowJsonApi() Each of these modules has a method to add single or multiple elements as appropriate to the specific module. Once these elements are are populated a RestAPI request can be made with results returned as a python representation. avr_req.auth(user, passw) avr_req.url_base(host, module) avr_req['analyticsModule'].add(module) avr_req['analyticsModule'].clear() avr_req['reportFeatures'].add(metric_name, predicate, value) avr_req['reportFeatures'].clear() avr_req['entityFilters'].add(dimension_name, predicate, values) avr_req['entityFilters'].clear() avr_req['viewMetrics'].add(metric_name) avr_req['viewMetrics'].clear() avr_req['viewDimensions'].add(metric_name, order) avr_req['viewDimensions'].clear() avr_req['metricFilters'].add(metric_name, predicate, valu) avr_req['metricFilters'].clear() avr_req['sortByMetrics'].add(metric_name, orde) avr_req['sortByMetrics'].clear() avr_req['pagination'].add(num_results, skip_result) avr_req['pagination'].clear() avr_req['timeRange'].add(t_from, t_to) avr_req['timeRange'].clear() After a request in constructed a REST API call is initiated with initiated with: avr_req.post_and_response() The response is a python dictionary data structure of the results as processed by json.loads """ from copy import deepcopy import requests import json import sys import time import warnings __author__ = 'Mark Lloyd' __version__ = '1.0' # 05/24/2016 import json import requests import time class BadDictElement(Exception): def __init__(self, key, value, expl): Exception.__init__(self, '{0} {1} {2} '.format(key, value, expl)) class BadTime(Exception): def __init__(self, variable, value): Exception.__init__(self, '{0} {1} should be 16 char decimal in microseconds '.format('a', 'b')) class RequestFailure(Exception): def __init__(self, key, value): Exception.__init__(self, '{0} {1} '.format(key, value)) class analyticsModule(str): """ This class is tied to the structure of the parent class. parent() get's the parent object so we can make the string pseudo-mutable. accessed from within an avr request ['analyticsModule'].add(module) Adds a single string to analyticsModule element . If one exists it is replaced. ['analyticsModule'].clear() Send a null value to the analyticsModule element. See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details """ def parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent def add(self, module): """ avr_req.['analyticsModule'].add(module) Adds a single string to analyticsModule element . If one already exists it is replaced. This should be the same as the module string in avr_req.url_base. """ self.parent['analyticsModule'] = analyticsModule(module) self.parent['analyticsModule'].parent = self.parent def clear(self): """ avr_req.['analyticsModule'].add(module) replaces the analyticsModule mddule with a null string """ self.parent['analyticsModule'] = analyticsModule('') self.parent['analyticsModule'].parent = self.parent class metricFilters(list): """ avr_req.['metricFilters'].add(metric_name, predicate, value) metric name is a string, value is an integer Valid predicates strings are ['OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN', OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN','OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL']) avr_req['metricFilters'].clear() Clears metricFilters elements See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def __init__(self): self.append([]) self.valid_metric_predicate = ( ['OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL']) def add(self, metric_name, predicate, value): """ avr_req.['metricFilters'].add(metric_name, predicate, value) metric name is a string, value is an integer Valid predicates strings are ['OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN', OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN','OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL', 'OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL'] """ if type(value) is not int: raise BadDictElement(metric_name, value, 'value should be integer') if predicate in self.valid_metric_predicate: # first check if it is already there for metric in self[0]: if metric['metricName'] == metric_name: metric['predicate'] = predicate metric['value'] = value return 0 # if it is not there then just add it. self[0].append({'metricName': metric_name, 'predicate': predicate, 'value': value}) else: raise BadDictElement(metric_name, predicate, 'invalid predicate') def clear(self): """ avr_req['metricFilters'].clear() Clears metricFilters elements """ del self[0][:] class entityFilters(list): """ avr_req.['entityFilters'].add(dimension_name, predicate, values): All values are strings valid predicate is 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL' ['entityFilters'].clear() Clears the entityFilters element See rest_avr.ShowJsonApi for more details """ def __init__(self): self.append([]) def add(self, dimension_name, predicate, values): """ avr_req.['entityFilters'].add(dimension_name, predicate, values): All values are strings valid predicate is 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL' """ if predicate is 'OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL': # then loop throuth to see if the dimenson name already exists, if so replace for entity in self[0]: if entity['dimensionName'] == dimension_name: entity['predicate'] = predicate entity['values'] = values return 0 # if it is not there then just add it. self[0].append({'dimensionName': dimension_name, 'predicate': predicate, 'values': values}) else: raise BadDictElement(dimension_name, predicate, 'predicate must be OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL') def clear(self): """ ['entityFilters'].clear() Clears the entityFilters element """ del self[0][:] class reportFeatures(list): """ avr_req.['reportFeatures'].add( feature) adds report feature string. Multiple features are permitted. ['reportFeatures'].clear() Clears the analyticsModule element. See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def add(self, feature): """ avr_req.['reportFeatures'].add( feature) adds report feature string. Multiple features are permitted .""" if feature not in self: self.append(feature) def clear(self): """ ['reportFeatures'].clear() Clears the entityFilters element """ del self[:] class sortByMetrics(list): """ avr_req.['sortByMetrics'].add(metric_name, order) valid order names are 'ascending' and 'descending' sortByMetrics is optional in an AVR request. avr_req['sortByMetrics'].clear() Clears the sortByMetrics element. See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def __init__(self): self.metric_list = [] def add(self, metric_name, order): if metric_name not in self.metric_list: self.append({'metricName': metric_name, 'order': order}) self.metric_list.append(metric_name) def clear(self): """ ['sortByMetrics'].clear() Clears the sortByMetrics element """ del self[:] del self.metric_list[:] class viewDimensions(list): """ avr_req.['viewDimensions'].add(dimension_name): adds view dimension, only one dimension is allowed add will replace element if it already exists avr_req['viewDimensions'].clear() Clears the viewDimensions element. See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def __init__(self): self.append([]) self[0] = {} def add(self, dimension_name): """ avr_req.['viewDimensions'].add(dimension_name): adds view dimension string, only one dimension is allowed add will replace element if it already exists """ self[0]['dimensionName'] = dimension_name def clear(self, dimension_name): """ ['viewDimensions'].clear() Clears the viewDimensions element """ del self[0][:] class viewMetrics(list): """ avr_req.['viewMetrics'].add(metric_name): appends metric_name string to list. The specification allows multiple view metric elements avr_req['viewMetrics'].clear() Clears the viewMetrics elements See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def __init__(self): self.metric_list = [] def add(self, metric_name): """ avr_req.['viewMetrics'].add(metric_name): appends metric_name string to list. The specification allows multiple viewMetric elements """ if metric_name not in self.metric_list: self.append({'metricName': metric_name}) self.metric_list.append(metric_name) def clear(self): """ ['viewMetrics'].clear() Clears the viewMetrics elements """ del self[:] del self.metric_list[:] class timeRange(dict): """ avr_req.['timeRange'].add( t_from, t_to) both values are 16 digit numeric value in microseconds of unix/linux time. t_to is optional and can be replace by None timeRange is an optional. avr_req['timeRange'].clear() Clears the timeRange elements See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def add(self, t_from, t_to): """ avr_req.['timeRange'].add( t_from, t_to) both values are 16 digit numeric value in microseconds of unix/linux time. t_to is optional and can be replace by None timeRange is optional. """ if type(t_from) is long and len(str(t_from)) == 16: self['from'] = t_from else: raise BadTime(t_from + " is 16 digit numeric value in microseconds") if t_to != '' and t_to != 0 and t_to != None: if type(t_to) is long and len(str(t_from)) == 16: self['to'] = t_to else: raise BadTime(t_to + " is 16 digit numeric value in microseconds") else: if 'to' in self.keys(): del self['to'] def clear(self): """ ['timeRange'].clear() Clears the timeRange element """ del self[:] class pagination(dict): """ avr_req.['pagination'].add(num_results, skip_results) both are integer values. avr_req['pagination'].clear() Clears the pagination elements See rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi for more details. """ def add(self, num_results, skip_results): """ avr_req.['pagination'].add(num_results, skip_results) both arguments are integers. """ if type(num_results) is int: self['numberOfResults'] = num_results else: raise BadDictElement('number of Results ', num_results, 'must be integer') if type(skip_results) is int: self['skipResults'] = skip_results else: raise BadDictElement('skipResults ', skip_results, 'must be integer') def clear(self): """ ['pagination'].clear() Clears the pagination element """ del self[:] class avr_resp(dict): """ python response error is applicable. """ def __init__(self): self.error_layer = None self.error_code = None self.error_text = None class avr_req(dict): """ The main class for rest_avr. avr_req contains a dictionary that maps to the elements of a Icontrol REST AVR request along with capability of posting that request and receiving a response. The dictionary values are object instances of python classes that correspond to the the JSON values of the object's name/value pair. Each value has two public methods: avr_req.['objectName']add(): adds an element to the appropriate object with type checking. If an element allows more then one instance the add function will append the element If an element allows only one instance the add function will replace the element avr_req.['objectName'].clear()r: clears all elements in the object. printing rest_avr.ShowAVRJsonApi provides documentation for the AVR JASON elements. Further documentation is available on To post an AVR Rest request there are two functions to populate the HTTP/HTTPS request. avr_req.auth(user, passw): provides the username and password avr_req.url_base(host, module) provides the host and the bigip module AVR queries to construct the URL to make the request. Then to post the request and return results in a python representation of the JSON response. avr_req.post_and_response() """ def __init__(self): self['analyticsModule'] = analyticsModule() self['analyticsModule'].parent = self self['pagination'] = pagination() self['metricFilters'] = metricFilters() self['entityFilters'] = entityFilters() self['reportFeatures'] = reportFeatures() self['sortByMetrics'] = sortByMetrics() self['viewDimensions'] = viewDimensions() self['viewMetrics'] = viewMetrics() self['timeRange'] = timeRange() self.avr_session = requests.session() self.avr_session.verify = False self.avr_session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) # for multiple queued request handling. self.req_queue = [] self.generate_id = None self.done = None self.result = None self.num_requests = 0 self.res_queue = [] def post_and_response(self): """ returns a python representation of the json response to the request. failure returns array ['ERROR','component',error] """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") self.generate_request = + "/generate-report/", data=json.dumps(self)) self.generate_request_py = json.loads(self.generate_request.text) self.result_guid = self.generate_request_py['id'] self.results_status_url = self.req_url_base + "/generate-report/" + self.result_guid + "/?$select=status,reportResultsLink" self.results_url = self.req_url_base + "/report-results/" + self.result_guid self.sleeptime = .5 for i in range(5): time.sleep(self.sleeptime) self.sleeptime *= 2 # double backoff period each time. self.status_results_json = self.avr_session.get(self.results_status_url) self.status_results = json.loads(self.status_results_json.text) if self.status_results['status'] == 'FAILED': self.result = avr_resp() self.result_error_layer = 'REST' self.result_error_code = self.status_results['status'] self.result.error_text = self.status_results if self.status_results['status'] == 'FINISHED': self.raw_results_url = self.status_results['reportResultsLink'] self.results_url = self.raw_results_url.replace('localhost', self.host_name) self.results = self.avr_session.get(self.results_url) if self.results.status_code == 200: self.result = avr_resp() self.result.update(json.loads(self.results.text)) return self.result else: self.result = avr_resp() self.result.error_layer = 'HTTP' self.result.error_code = self.results.status_code self.result.error_text = self.results return self.result else: continue self.result = avr_resp() self.result.error_layer = 'REST_AVR' self.result.error_code = '408' self.result.error_text = 'TIMEOUT' def auth(self, user, passw): """ avr_req.auth(user, passw): username and password """ self.avr_session.auth = (user, passw) def url_base(self, host, module): """ avr_req.url_base(host, module) host and bigip module AVR queries to construct the URL to make the request. """ self.host_name = host self.req_url_base = 'https://%s/mgmt/tm/analytics/%s' % (host, module) self.module_py = {'analyticsModule': module} def add_to_queue(self): "adds request as currently constructed to queue" self.req_queue.append(deepcopy(self)) def clear_queue(self): """" clears request queue """ del self.req_queue[:] def post_and_response_queue(self): """ posts and sends response to from queue of requests. """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") for req in self.req_queue: req.generate_request = + "/generate-report/", data=json.dumps(req)) req.generate_request_py = json.loads(req.generate_request.text) req.generate_id = (req.generate_request_py['id']) req.results_status_url = self.req_url_base + "/generate-report/" + req.generate_id + "/?$select=status,reportResultsLink" self.sleeptime = .5 self.num_requests = len(self.req_queue) for i in range(5): for req in self.req_queue: if req.done is None: time.sleep(self.sleeptime) self.sleeptime *= 2 # double backoff period each time. req.status_results_json = req.avr_session.get(req.results_status_url) req.status_results = json.loads(req.status_results_json.text) if req.status_results['status'] == 'FAILED': req.result = avr_resp() req.result_error['layer'] = 'REST' req.result_error['error'] = req.status_results['status'] req.result_error['text'] = req.status_results if req.status_results['status'] == 'FINISHED': req.raw_results_url = req.status_results['reportResultsLink'] req.results_url = req.raw_results_url.replace('localhost', self.host_name) req.results = self.avr_session.get(req.results_url) if req.results.status_code == 200: req.result = avr_resp() req.result.update(json.loads(req.results.text)) req.done = True self.res_queue.append(req.result) self.num_requests -= 1 else: req.result = avr_resp() req.result_error.layer = 'HTTP' req.result_error.code = req.results.status_code req.result_error.text = req.results self.res_queue.append(req.result) if i == 5: if req.result == False: req.result = avr_resp() req.result.error_layer = 'REST_AVR' req.result.error_error = '408' req.result.error_text = 'TIMEOUT' if self.num_requests == 0: break return self.res_queue ShowAVRJsonApi = """ reportFeatures -------------- Specifies the kind of information that appears in a response from AVR. You may specify one or more of the following values: existing-entities time-aggregated time-series entities-count viewDimensions -------------- Specifies the dimensions for which to calculate a report, such as: {"dimensionName": "domain-name"} You may only specify a single dimension. You may omit this field in a report generation request. viewMetrics ----------- Specifies the list of metrics by which to sort results, such as: { "metricName": "average-tps" }, { "metricName": "transactions" } If you specify either time-aggregated or time-series features, you must specify one metric in a report generation request. sortByMetrics -------------- Specifies the list of metrics to sort by, such as: [{ metricName: "average-tps", order:"descending" } ] Valid values are ascending and descending. Sorting only applies to the time-aggregated feature. You do not need to specify this field in a report generation request. timeRange --------- Specifies the time range, in microseconds, for which to calculate a report, such as: {"from": 1410420888000000, "to": 1410424488000000 } You do not need to specify this field in a report generation request. entityFilters ============= Specifies the entities and values for which to calculate a report. You can specify a single entity with a second level of dimension filters that describe an aspect of the entity. If you specify multiple entity types, the results include only the entities that match all of the criteria. You do not need to specify this field in a report generation request. The following snippet contains two entities with corresponding values: [[{ "dimensionName" : "virtual", "predicate": "OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL", "values : ["phpAuction_VS_1"] }, { "dimensionName : "response-code", "predicate": "OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL", "values" : ["200"] } ]] metricFilters ------------- Specifies the metric filters for which to calculate a report, such as: [{ "metricName": "transactions", "predicate" : metricFilters "OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN" "value": 100 }] You do not need to specify this field in a report generation request. For the existing-entities feature, AVR supports the OPERATOR_TYPE_LIKE predicate. AVR also supports the following predicates: OPERATOR_TYPE_EQUAL OPERATOR_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN OPERATOR_TYPE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL OPERATOR_TYPE_LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL pagination ---------- Specifies the number of results to return, and the number of results to skip, such as: { numberOfResults : 10, skipResults : 10} To see the second set of ten results, use the example shown here. AVR does not implement the OData query parameters top or skip. In order to see a specific set of results, you must set the number of results to return and then determine how many results to skip. You do not need to specify this field in a report generation request. """ Tested this on version: 12.0383Views0likes1CommentDoS and NTLM Brute force protection for SIP traffic
Problem this snippet solves: This snippet has been designed to mainly protect against NTLM's downgrade attacks present in a widely used Instant Messaging solution. This solution authenticate users on the SIP/TLS protocol. This irule block brute forced users and source IP address. How to use this snippet: This snippet should be applied on the Virtual Server that handle SIP/TLS traffic. SSL bridging is required to make this irule work properly. Moreover, Skype for Business may require that you change your cipher suite to a weak one. The internal domain should be define in " email_domain " and " user_domain " variables. The script will focus on those domains. The max attempts before blocking is defined in the " max_failures " variable. This setting should be under the max attempts allowed on the Active Directory. The blocking duration is configured in the " block_duration " variable. (in seconds) The " fail_memory " variable define the window that we increase the attempt counter. After reaching the end of this duration, the entry is removed until a new invalid attempt occurs. External links Github : Related Articles DoS and NTLM Brute force protection for HTTP(s) flow Code : when RULE_INIT { array set NTLMFlags { unicode 0x00000001 oem 0x00000002 req_target 0x00000004 unknown1 0x00000008 sign 0x00000010 seal 0x00000020 datagram 0x00000040 lmkey 0x00000080 netware 0x00000100 ntlm 0x00000200 unknown2 0x00000400 unknown3 0x00000800 ntlm_domain 0x00001000 ntlm_server 0x00002000 ntlm_share 0x00004000 NTLM2 0x00008000 targetinfo 0x00800000 128bit 0x20000000 keyexch 0x40000000 56bit 0x80000000 } set static::email_domain "" set static::user_domain "DOMAIN" set static::log_pri "local0." set static::fail_tab "NTLMfails" set static::blacklist_tab "NTLMblackhole" set static::userfail_tab "NTLMUserfails" set static::userblacklist_tab "NTLMUserblackhole" set static::max_failures 5 set static::fail_memory 300 set static::block_duration 300 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[table lookup -subtable $static::blacklist_tab [IP::client_addr]] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED IPADDR [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { SSL::collect } when CLIENTSSL_DATA { set payload [SSL::payload] if { ($payload contains "3 REGISTER") } { regexp -nocase {gssapi-data=\"([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]*)\",} $payload match gssapi garbage if { [info exists match] } { unset match unset garbage if { $gssapi != "" } { set ntlm_msg [ b64decode [string trim $gssapi]] binary scan $ntlm_msg a7ci protocol zero type if { $type eq 3} { binary scan $ntlm_msg @12ssissississississii \ lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \ ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \ dlen dlen2 doff \ ulen ulen2 uoff \ hlen hlen2 hoff \ slen slen2 soff \ flags set ntlm_domain {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${doff}a${dlen} ntlm_domain set ntlm_user {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${uoff}a${ulen} ntlm_user set ntlm_host {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${hoff}a${hlen} ntlm_host set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set ntlm_domain_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_domain ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_domain_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_domain_convert $ntlm_domain_convert } else { append ntlm_domain_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_domain $ntlm_domain_convert set ntlm_user_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_user ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_user_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_user_convert $ntlm_user_convert } else { append ntlm_user_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_user $ntlm_user_convert set ntlm_host_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_host ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_host_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_host_convert $ntlm_host_convert } else { append ntlm_host_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_host $ntlm_host_convert } binary scan $ntlm_msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata binary scan $ntlm_msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h set interesting 1 if { ($ntlm_domain equals $static::user_domain or $ntlm_user ends_with $static::email_domain) } { set attack 1 if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab $ntlm_user] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host at [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } else { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for SIP." } } else { set attack 0 log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Not a valid user - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for SIP." } } } } } # Release the payload SSL::release SSL::collect } when SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE { SSL::collect SSL::release 0 } when SERVERSSL_DATA { set payload [SSL::payload] if {[info exists interesting] && $interesting == 1} { set client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] set node [IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port] if { $payload contains "401 Unauthorized ms-user-logon-data" and ([info exists attack] and $attack == 1) } { table set -subtable $static::fail_tab -notouch -excl [IP::client_addr] 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr] set now [clock seconds] set now_date [split [clock format $now -format {%X %x}] " "] set later [expr {$now + $static::block_duration}] set later_date [split [clock format $later -format {%X %x}] " "] if {[info exists ntlm_user]} { table set -subtable $static::userfail_tab -notouch -excl $ntlm_user 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user] >= $static::max_failures} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING USER - $ntlm_user at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab -excl $ntlm_user 1 indef $static::block_duration } } if {[table lookup -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr]] >= $static::max_failures} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING IPADDR - [IP::client_addr] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]) at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::blacklist_tab -excl [IP::client_addr] 1 indef $static::block_duration } } } SSL::release SSL::collect } Tested this on version: 11.5370Views0likes0CommentsAPM Full Step Up Authentication
Problem this snippet solves: By default, APM is not able to handle several authentication during a session. Once you are logged in, it’s finished, you can’t ask for authentication again. Since v12.1.0, we can see a new feature in EA called “Step-up Authentication” and the introduction of subroutines that is currently limited to ldap authentication or a confirm box. The irule and configuration below allow the administrator to define 2 levels of authentication based on URIs. The concept can be extended to have multiple authentication levels. This concept can be extended to define several Level of authentication. You can also change the element that trigger the additionnal authentication process. How to use this snippet: Installation irule To make it works, you need to install the irule on the Virtual Server that publish your application with APM authentication. datagroup You need to create a datagroup of string type. This dg must contains http path that need an additional authentication step. The dg is named loa3_uri in the irule example. access profile If you already have an existing access profile, you will need to modify it and include some additionnal configuration in your VPE. If you have no access profile, you can starts building your own based on the description we provide below. Scenarios 1) User try to reach strong uri after first authentication process In this scenario, the user first authenticate using a standard authentication mecanism. Once authenticated, if the user request content that is behing strong uris, the user restart an authentication process in the "Strong Auth" and "Already Auth" branch of the VPE. 2) User try to reach strong uri during the first authentication process If the user try to access a strong uri on its first attempt, he will need to complete the full authentication process. Then, he can access every part of the web application without any additional prompt. Special considerations Client certificate Authentication You may need to use Client certificate authentication as a primary factor or second factor. We highly recommend to use "SSl on-demand authentication" if you need it as primary factor. Client Certificate is not supported as a second factor, you need to use SSl on-demand authentication. WebSSO When first authentication has already been allowed and the user try to access a protected uri, the system will invite the user to complete the new authentication (second factor). This process will restart a webSSO action on the backend. Basic, NTLM and Kerberos webSSO have been tested with success. Configuring the Visual Policy Editor The printscreen below is a minimal Visual Policy Editor used to make Step up Authentication works properly : Strong Auth The strong Auth block is an "Empty Action" with two branch. The branch named "Strong" contains the following condition : expr { [mcget {session.server.landinguri}] starts_with "/strong" || [mcget {session.custom.last.strong}] == 1 } We check that the uri starts with strong (used in scenario 1) or if a custom variable is set to 1 (second scenario) Already Auth This is an empty action with two branch. The branch named "yes" contains the following expression : expr { [mcget {session.custom.last.authresult}] contains "true" } 2-factor Ending session.custom.last.authtype variable must be set to 1 session.policy.result.redirect.url must be changed. The session.server.landinguri contains the true origin uri. To set this variable, you must use the tcl script below : proc urldecode str { variable map variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9 for {set i 0} {$i <= 256} {incr i} { set c [format %c $i] if {![string match \[$alphanumeric\] $c]} { set map($c) %[format %.2x $i] } } array set map { " " + \n %0d%0a } set str [string map [list + { } "\\" "\\\\"] $str] regsub -all -- {%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])} $str {\\u00\1} str return [subst -novar -nocommand $str] } set decoded_uri [urldecode [string range [mcget {session.server.landinguri}] [expr { [string last = [mcget {session.server.landinguri}]] + 1 }] end]] return $decoded_uri Full strong Ending session.custom.last.authtype variable must be set to 1 Standard Ending session.custom.last.authtype variable must be set to 0 Session variables The following variables can be used in the 2-factor section of the Visual Policy Editor : session.custom.last.username session.custom.last.password Features 2-step authentication Retrieve username and password from first authentication Encrypt Session1 cookie to avoid session Hijacking External links Github : Code : when RULE_INIT { # to be changed prior to any publishing set passphrase "hEuoYjmFUpB4PcpO3bUdQtLP4ic7jjm" } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::cookie exists MRHSession] and [ACCESS::session exists -state_allow -sid [HTTP::cookie MRHSession]] } { set strong_auth [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.last.authtype] if { [class match [HTTP::path] starts_with loa3_uri] and $strong_auth == 0 } { HTTP::cookie encrypt "MRHSession" $passphrase HTTP::respond 302 noserver "Location" "/strong?return_url=[URI::encode [HTTP::uri]]" "Cache-Control" "no-cache, must-revalidate" Set-Cookie "MRHSession=deleted;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT;path=/" Set-Cookie "LastMRH_Session=deleted;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT;path=/" Set-Cookie "Session1=[HTTP::cookie MRHSession];path=/" } } } when ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED { # decrypt Session1 cookie value set decrypted [HTTP::cookie decrypt "Session1" $passphrase] if { [HTTP::cookie exists Session1] and [ACCESS::session exists -state_allow -sid $decrypted] } { ## section : retrieve session variables from the first session ACCESS::session data set session.custom.last.username [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username -sid $decrypted] ACCESS::session data set session.custom.last.password [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.password -sid $decrypted] ## End section ACCESS::session data set session.custom.last.authresult "true" # remove the first created session during standard authentication to avoid multiple active sessions ACCESS::session remove -sid $decrypted } elseif { [class match [HTTP::path] starts_with loa3_uri] } { ACCESS::session data set session.custom.last.strong 1 } } Tested this on version: 11.51.3KViews0likes7CommentsProvision IOS profile for Exchange ActiveSync with client certificate authentication
Problem this snippet solves: If you need to use client certificate authentication for ActiveSync services on IOS, you need to deploy custom profiles through a Mobile Device Management. MDM is maybe a little bit too much to achieve only this feature. The irule below provide necessary materials to provision a certificate and an exchange profile on IOS. Tested successfully on IOS 9. We use SCEP protocol for certificate enrollment. How to use this snippet: You need to define a Virtual Server and an access profile to publish ActiveSync. Then, you need to assign the irule on the Virtual Server. The certificate is retrieved using SCEP protocol on a Microsoft ADCS 2012 R2. The SCEP url should be changed in the Exchange payload. We configured APM to protect the access to this service and retrieve attributes from Active Directory but you can change the irule code to retrieve information and protect the service in a different manner. When a user reach /enroll uri with Safari browser, the provisioning process starts. /!\ I provide an IOS payload as example, but you need to modify it to fit your environment and save it as an ifile. Settings that need to be changed in the xml payload : <string>HOST.DOMAIN.COM</string> : Activesync FQDN <string>DOMAIN-Issuer-CA</string> : Issuing CA Name (if exists otherwise related code should be removed) <data>CERTIFICATE</data> : X.509 certificate in Base64 for Issuing CA <string>DOMAIN-Root-CA</string> : Root CA Name <data>CERTIFICATE</data> : X.509 certificate in Base64 for the Root CA <string>DOMAIN</string> : Organization name to be present in the user certificate <string></string> : SCEP url External links Github : Code : 68654 Tested this on version: 11.5830Views0likes1CommentiRule Event Order
Problem this snippet solves: It's sometimes hard which event is triggered and in which order. This code provide visibility on the event order and time between each event in millisecond. Possible (but not limited to) use cases : Troubleshooting connection Identify event triggered for specific requests learn the order of irule events How to use this snippet: Installation irule You need to install the irule on the top of the list in your Virtual Server. Special considerations Irule Generator the displayed irule has been generated with a proprietary tool developed in golang. Zip file Content The downloadable zip file contains : a shell script that generate the irule code for the list of event specified in event_list.tcl file a file that contain a list of all irule event (excluded : CLIENT_ACCEPTED, CLIENT_CLOSED, RULE_INIT) an irule containing all possible events (generated by the script). Just for demo, can not be used in real life. Compatibility Supported in v12.1.0 ACCESS_PER_REQUEST_AGENT_EVENT BOTDEFENSE_ACTION BOTDEFENSE_REQUEST WS_CLIENT_DATA WS_CLIENT_FRAME WS_CLIENT_FRAME_DONE WS_REQUEST WS_RESPONSE WS_SERVER_DATA WS_SERVER_FRAME WS_SERVER_FRAME_DONE Irule Events The displayed irule currently support events from CLIENT_*, HTTP_*, LB_* and SSL_*. This irule should fit for most of the standard ltm use cases on http and https. Outputs syslog output : virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=0, event_order=0, event_type=CLIENT_ACCEPTED virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=0, event_order=1, event_type=CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=6, event_order=2, event_type=CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=6, event_order=3, event_type=HTTP_REQUEST virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=6, event_order=4, event_type=LB_FAILED virtual=/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event, id=d5f693399, time=6, event_order=5, event_type=CLIENT_CLOSED ` JSON output : { "d5f693399": [ { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "0", "event_order": "0", "event_type": "CLIENT_ACCEPTED" }, { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "0", "event_order": "1", "event_type": "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO" }, { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "6", "event_order": "2", "event_type": "CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE" }, { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "6", "event_order": "3", "event_type": "HTTP_REQUEST" }, { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "6", "event_order": "4", "event_type": "LB_FAILED" }, { "virtual": "/Common/vs_test_irule_order_event", "id": "d5f693399", "time": "6", "event_order": "5", "event_type": "CLIENT_CLOSED" } ] } Features Version 1.0 List Event order Generate a sessionid to track the Client connection until it close Display time elapsed since client has been accepted Logging in JSON format (to use with third party libraries like d3.js) Backlog add logging using csv format use HSL instead of local logging add extra comments for specific events like CLIENT_CERT and LB_FAILED add more events (security related events) release a script to generate an irule that use events related to the other irules present in a Virtual Server External links Github : iRule Sample when RULE_INIT { set static::client_ip "" set static::json 1 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set counter 0 set event_type "CLIENT_ACCEPTED" set sessionid "[IP::client_addr][TCP::client_port][IP::local_addr][TCP::local_port][expr { int(100000000 * rand()) }]" binary scan [md5 $sessionid] H* md5_string trash set md5_string [string range $md5_string 12 20] set start_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=0, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { set json_log "\{ \"$md5_string\": \[\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"0\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENT_CLOSED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENT_CLOSED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}\]\}" log local0. "$json_log" } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_REQUEST" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_RESPONSE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTINUE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTINUE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_REQUEST_SEND" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_REQUEST_DATA" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENT_DATA { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENT_DATA" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when HTTP_DISABLED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "HTTP_DISABLED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVER_CLOSED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVER_CLOSED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVER_DATA { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVER_DATA" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVERSSL_DATA { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVERSSL_DATA" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVER_CONNECTED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENTSSL_DATA { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENTSSL_DATA" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when CLIENTSSL_SERVERHELLO_SEND { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "CLIENTSSL_SERVERHELLO_SEND" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when LB_QUEUED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "LB_QUEUED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when LB_FAILED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "LB_FAILED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } when LB_SELECTED { set counter [expr { $counter+1 }] set event_type "LB_SELECTED" set curtime [expr { [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start_time }] log local0. "virtual=[virtual], id=$md5_string, time=$curtime, event_order=$counter, event_type=$event_type" if { $static::json } { append json_log "\{\"virtual\":\"[virtual]\", \"id\":\"$md5_string\", \"time\":\"$curtime\", \"event_order\":\"$counter\", \"event_type\":\"$event_type\"\}," } } Code : 68686 Tested this on version: 11.51.4KViews0likes3CommentsF5 Automation - TCL & Bash
Problem this snippet solves: This is a really simple way to automate CLI command execution on multiple F5 devices using Bash & TCL scripting. How to use this snippet: On a linux machine that is utilized to connect to the F5 device: Create a directory mkdir F5_Check Within the "F5_Check" directory, create the following 3 files: F5_Host.txt (This file contains F5's IP address) F5_Bash_v1 (This is the bash script used to collect username/password for F5) F5_Out_v1.exp (This is the TCL script executes the relevant commands on F5) Explanation of the 3 files: File Content: F5_Out_v1.exp is provided as code share. This is the main TCL script that is utiliezd to execute CLI commands on multiple F5 devices. File Content: F5_Bash_v1 #!/bin/bash # Collect the username and password for F5 access echo -n "Enter the username " read -s -e user echo -ne '\n' echo -n "Enter the password " read -s -e password echo -ne '\n' # Feed the expect script a device list & the collected username & passwords for device in `cat ~/F5_Check/F5_Host.txt`; do ./F5_Out_v1.exp $device $password $user ; done File Contents: F5_Host.txt This contains the management IP of the F5 devices. Example: cat F5_Host.txt Code : #!/usr/bin/expect -f # Set variables set hostname [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] set username [lindex $argv 2] # Log results log_file -a ~/F5_Check/F5LOG.log # Announce which device we are working on and the time send_user "\n" send_user ">>>>> Working on $hostname @ [exec date] <<<<<\n" send_user "\n" # SSH access to device spawn ssh $username@$hostname expect { "no)? " { send "yes\n" expect "*assword: " sleep 1 send "$password\r" } "*assword: " { sleep 1 send "$password\r" } } expect "(tmos)#" send "sys\n" expect "(tmos.sys)#" send "show software\n" expect "#" send "exit\n" expect "#" send "quit\n" expect ":~\$" exit Tested this on version: 11.51.9KViews0likes2CommentsGo library to manage BIG-IP iControl REST API
Problem this snippet solves: This library provides necessary structs and functions to manage the whole REST API. Some REST Calls may require BIG-IP v12.1.x to work properly. How to use this snippet: f5-rest-client implements a REST client to query the F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API. Installation go get -u Available authentication methods Basic authentication f5Client, err := f5.NewBasicClient(base_url, username, password) Token based authentication f5Client, err := f5.NewTokenClient(base_url, username, password, login_provider_name, skip_ssl_verification) Usage // Copyright 2017 e-Xpert Solutions SA. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "encoding/json" "log" "" "" ) func sexyPrint(label string, a interface{}) { j, err := json.MarshalIndent(a, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Print("DEBUG ", label, ":\n", string(j)) } func main() { // 1) Basic Authentication f5Client, err := f5.NewBasicClient("", "admin", "admin") // 2) Token Based Authentication // f5Client, err := f5.NewTokenClient("", "admin", "admin", "tmos", true) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f5Client.DisableCertCheck() netClient := net.New(f5Client) self, err := netClient.Self().ListAll() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sexyPrint("SelfIP List:", self) } FEATURES Basic authentication Token based authentication Manage Virtual Server, pool, node, irules, monitors Manage Cluster Management Manage interfaces, vlan, trunk, self ip, route, route domains Manage virtualization features (/vcmp) Manage system related stuffs Add Helper functions to enable, disable or force a node offline Add Helper functions to enable or disable a Virtual Server List expiring certificates List expired certificates Transaction support [new] Manage DNS and global load balancing servers (/gtm) [new] Add support for Stats retrieval on node, pool, virtual and profiles ROADMAP Add support for authentication through external providers Manage access policies (/apm) Manage security (/security) Manage analytics configuration (/analytics) Add support for results pagination Add support for API versioning Add support for new API endpoints coming in v13 Examples Transactions - Create a simple HTTP service f5Client, err := f5.NewBasicClient("", "admin", "admin") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f5Client.DisableCertCheck() // Start new transaction. tx, err := f5Client.Begin() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ltmClient := ltm.New(tx) // Create a HTTP monitor log.Print("Create a HTTP monitor") monitorConfig := ltm.MonitorHTTPConfig{ Name: "http_monitor_" + tx.TransactionID(), Send: "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Recv: "Hello", } if err := ltmClient.MonitorHTTP().Create(monitorConfig); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Create a Pool log.Print("Create a pool") poolConfig := ltm.PoolConfig{ Name: "pool_" + tx.TransactionID(), Monitor: "/Common/http_monitor_" + tx.TransactionID(), Members: []string{"", ""}, } if err := ltmClient.Pool().Create(poolConfig); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Create a Virtual Server log.Print("Create a Virtual Server") vsConfig := ltm.VirtualServerConfig{ Name: "vs_http_" + tx.TransactionID(), Destination: "", IPProtocol: "tcp", Pool: "pool_" + tx.TransactionID(), SourceAddressTranslation: ltm.SourceAddressTranslation{ Type: "automap", }, Profiles: []string{ "tcp-mobile-optimized", "http", }, } if err := ltmClient.Virtual().Create(vsConfig); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Commit to make the changes persistent. if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } List SSL Certificates sysClient := sys.New(f5Client) certs, err := sysClient.FileSSLCert().ListAll() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sexyPrint("Certificates", certs) List expired SSL Certificates sysClient := sys.New(f5Client) certs, err := sysClient.FileSSLCert().ListExpired() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sexyPrint("Expired Certificates", certs) List expiring SSL Certificates sysClient := sys.New(f5Client) // ListExpiring(number_of_seconds) certs, err := sysClient.FileSSLCert().ListExpiring(60 * 60 * 24 * 15) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sexyPrint("Expiring Certificates", certs) Contributing We appreciate any form of contribution (feature request, bug report, pull request, ...). We have no special requirements for Pull Request, just follow the standard GitHub way. License The sources are release under a BSD 3-Clause License. The full terms of that license can be found in LICENSE file of this repository. Code : Tested this on version: 11.51.4KViews1like3CommentsAPM Sharepoint authentication
Problem this snippet solves: Updated version to support Webdav with windows explorer after Nicolas's comment. APM is a great authentication service but it does it only with forms. The default behavior is to redirect user to /my.policy to process VPE. this redirect is only supported for GET method. Sharepoint provide 3 different access types: browsing web site with a browser Editing documents with Office browser folder with webdav client (or editing documents with libreoffice through webdav protocol) This irule display best authentication method for each of these access types: browsers authenticate with default authentication method (form based authentication) Microsoft office authenticate with Form based authentication (with support of MS-OFBA protocol) Libreoffice and webdav clients authenticate with 401 basic authentication Form based authentication (browser and Microsoft office) is compatible (validated for one customer) with SAML authentication Editing documents is managed with a persistent cookie expiring after 5 minutes. to be shared between IE and Office, it requires : cookie is persistent (expiration date instead of deleted at the end of session) web site defined as "trusted sites" in IE. How to use this snippet: install this irule and enable it on the VS. Code : when RULE_INIT { array set static::MSOFBA { ReqHeader "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_REQUIRED" ReqVal "/sp-ofba-form" ReturnHeader "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_RETURN_URL" ReturnVal "/sp-ofba-completed" SizeHeader "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_DIALOG_SIZE" SizeVal "800x600" } set static::ckname "MRHSession_SP" set static::Basic_Realm_Text "SharePoint Authentication" } when HTTP_REQUEST { set apmsessionid [HTTP::cookie value MRHSession] set persist_cookie [HTTP::cookie value $static::ckname] set clientless_mode 0 set form_mode 0 # Identify User-Agents type if {[HTTP::header exists "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED"] && (([HTTP::header "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED"] equals "t") || ([HTTP::header "X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED"] equals "f"))} { set clientless_mode 0; set form_mode 1 } else { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::header "User-Agent"]] { "*microsoft-webdav-miniredir*" { set clientless_mode 1 } "*microsoft data access internet publishing provider*" - "*office protocol discovery*" - "*microsoft office*" - "*non-browser*" - "msoffice 12*" { set form_mode 1 } "*mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ms frontpage*" { if { [ string range [getfield [string tolower [HTTP::header "User-Agent"]] "MS FrontPage " 2] 0 1] > 12 } { set form_mode 1 } else { set clientless_mode 1 } } "*mozilla*" - "*opera*" { set clientless_mode 0 } default { set clientless_mode 1 } } } if { $clientless_mode || $form_mode } { if { [HTTP::cookie exists "MRHSession"] } {set apmstatus [ACCESS::session exists -state_allow $apmsessionid]} else {set apmstatus 0} if { !($apmstatus) && [HTTP::cookie exists $static::ckname] } {set apmpersiststatus [ACCESS::session exists -state_allow $persist_cookie]} else {set apmpersiststatus 0} if { ($apmpersiststatus) && !($apmstatus) } { # Add MRHSession cookie for non browser user-agent first request and persistent cookie present if { [catch {HTTP::cookie insert name "MRHSession" value $persist_cookie} ] } {log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] : TCL error on HTTP cookie insert MRHSession : URL : [HTTP::host][HTTP::path] - Headers : [HTTP::request]"} else {return} } } else { return } if { $clientless_mode && !($apmstatus)} { if { !([HTTP::header Authorization] == "") } { set clientless(insert_mode) 1 set clientless(username) [ string tolower [HTTP::username] ] set clientless(password) [HTTP::password] binary scan [md5 "$clientless(password)"] H* clientless(hash) set user_key "$clientless(username).$clientless(hash)" set clientless(cookie_list) [ ACCESS::user getsid $user_key ] if { [ llength $clientless(cookie_list) ] != 0 } { set clientless(cookie) [ ACCESS::user getkey [ lindex $clientless(cookie_list) 0 ] ] if { $clientless(cookie) != "" } { HTTP::cookie insert name MRHSession value $clientless(cookie) set clientless(insert_mode) 0 } } if { $clientless(insert_mode) } { HTTP::header insert "clientless-mode" 1 HTTP::header insert "username" $clientless(username) HTTP::header insert "password" $clientless(password) } unset clientless } else { HTTP::respond 401 WWW-Authenticate "Basic realm=\"$static::Basic_Realm_Text\"" Set-Cookie "MRHSession=deleted; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/" Connection close return } } elseif {$form_mode && !($apmstatus) && !([HTTP::path] equals $static::MSOFBA(ReqVal))}{ HTTP::respond 403 -version "1.1" noserver \ $static::MSOFBA(ReqHeader) "https://[HTTP::host]$static::MSOFBA(ReqVal)" \ $static::MSOFBA(ReturnHeader) "https://[HTTP::host]$static::MSOFBA(ReturnVal)" \ $static::MSOFBA(SizeHeader) $static::MSOFBA(SizeVal) \ "Connection" "Close" return } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { # Insert persistent cookie for html content type and private session if { [HTTP::header "Content-Type" ] contains "text/html" } { HTTP::cookie remove $static::ckname HTTP::cookie insert name $static::ckname value $apmsessionid path "/" HTTP::cookie expires $static::ckname 120 relative HTTP::cookie secure $static::ckname enable } # Insert session cookie if session was recovered from persistent cookie if { ([info exists "apmpersiststatus"]) && ($apmpersiststatus) } { HTTP::cookie insert name MRHSession value $persist_cookie path "/" HTTP::cookie secure MRHSession enable } } when ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED { if {([info exists "clientless_mode"])} { ACCESS::session data set session.clientless $clientless_mode } if { [ info exists user_key ] } { ACCESS::session data set "session.user.uuid" $user_key } } when ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED { if { ([info exists "clientless_mode"]) && ($clientless_mode) && ([ACCESS::policy result] equals "deny") } { ACCESS::respond 401 noserver WWW-Authenticate "Basic realm=$static::Basic_Realm_Text" Connection close ACCESS::session remove } } when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::path]] { "/sp-ofba-form" { ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "https://[HTTP::host]$static::MSOFBA(ReturnVal)" } "/sp-ofba-completed" { ACCESS::respond 200 content { Authenticated Good Work, you are Authenticated } noserver } "*/signout.aspx" { # Disconnect session and redirect to APM logout Page ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "/vdesk/hangup.php3" return } "/_layouts/accessdenied.aspx" { # Disconnect session and redirect to APM Logon Page if {[string tolower [URI::query [HTTP::uri] loginasanotheruser]] equals "true" } { ACCESS::session remove ACCESS::respond 302 noserver Location "/" return } } default { # No Actions } } } Tested this on version: 11.54.9KViews1like57CommentsAutomate F5 Initial Setup - iControl & Ansible
Problem this snippet solves: While everyone loves F5, we all know the initial system setup, networking components and device service cluster is a tedious process. This simple Ansible playbook will allow you to automate the entire F5 initial setup by reading a CSV file and leave you with a ready to go active/standby pair. This does include setting up - NTP, DNS, Hostname, LACP, dot1q, Self-IPs, device trust, configuration sync, etc How to use this snippet: How to Use Required Items Ansible (tested on version 2.1) Blank pair of F5s with management IP configured (version 12.0 & 12.1) Install Ansible if Needed Official Ansible Install Guide Great 3rd Party Install Guide Download and Run F5 Ansible Setup Playbook - f5_ansible_setup.yml Please run the following Ansible Playbook. This will download the required modules, playbook for F5 Initial Setup and example CSV file. Be sure to run this playbook from ~/ansible/playbooks/ F5 Ansible Setup Playbook Fill Out CSV File - f5_initial_setup.csv Use the example CSV file as an example to fit to your environment. Using the CSV file allows you to not have to edit the actual F5 Initial Setup Playbook. This was tested on a pair of 5200v's with so adjust interfaces as needed. The CSV file will be automatically downloaded from GitHub when you run the F5 Ansible Install Playbook. Run F5 Initial Setup Playbook - f5_initial_setup.yml Once you have edited the CSV file to your needs, run the F5 Initial Setup Playbook. This playbook will read the CSV file and configure the two F5 devices from scratch. When everything completes, you should be left with an active/standby pair of devices ready to go! If you want to manually install the Ansible Playbook & Modules, please check out - GitHub Code : Tested this on version: 12.01.7KViews0likes15CommentsDoS and NTLM Brute force protection for HTTP(s) traffic
Problem this snippet solves: This snippet has been designed to mainly protect against NTLM's Denial of Service and brute force attacks against web application that use this authentication mecanism. This irule help companies to fight against brute force attacks at the HTTP layer. You can combine this irule with another one on non-http traffic to provide a brute force protection across multiple layers. For pure HTTP application, you should prefer the Brute force protection provided by the ASM module. How to use this snippet: This irule should be installed on each Virtual Server that require NTLM protection. In a Microsoft Skype for Business deployment, you may need to protect following services : Web Services Conf Autodiscover Exchange Web Services TO BE DONE : Provide a way to unlock blocked users External links Github : Related Articles DoS and NTLM Brute force protection for SIP flow Credits This irule is based on NTLM logger Code : when RULE_INIT { array set NTLMFlags { unicode 0x00000001 oem 0x00000002 req_target 0x00000004 unknown1 0x00000008 sign 0x00000010 seal 0x00000020 datagram 0x00000040 lmkey 0x00000080 netware 0x00000100 ntlm 0x00000200 unknown2 0x00000400 unknown3 0x00000800 ntlm_domain 0x00001000 ntlm_server 0x00002000 ntlm_share 0x00004000 NTLM2 0x00008000 targetinfo 0x00800000 128bit 0x20000000 keyexch 0x40000000 56bit 0x80000000 } set static::irule_name "irule-ntlm-bruteforce" set static::email_domain "" set static::user_domain "DOMAIN" set static::log_server "" set static::log_pri "local0." set static::fail_tab "NTLMfails" set static::blacklist_tab "NTLMblackhole" set static::userfail_tab "NTLMUserfails" set static::userblacklist_tab "NTLMUserblackhole" set static::max_failures 5 set static::fail_memory 300 set static::block_duration 300 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[table lookup -subtable $static::blacklist_tab [IP::client_addr]] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED IPADDR [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[table lookup -subtable $static::blacklist_tab [IP::client_addr]] == 1} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED IPADDR [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } if {[HTTP::header Authorization] starts_with "NTLM "} { set ntlm_msg [ b64decode [split [lindex [HTTP::header Authorization] 1] ] ] binary scan $ntlm_msg a7ci protocol zero type if { $type eq 3 } { binary scan $ntlm_msg @12ssissississississii \ lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \ ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \ dlen dlen2 doff \ ulen ulen2 uoff \ hlen hlen2 hoff \ slen slen2 soff \ flags set ntlm_domain {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${doff}a${dlen} ntlm_domain set ntlm_user {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${uoff}a${ulen} ntlm_user set ntlm_host {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${hoff}a${hlen} ntlm_host set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}] if {$unicode} { set ntlm_domain_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_domain ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_domain_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_domain_convert $ntlm_domain_convert } else { append ntlm_domain_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_domain $ntlm_domain_convert set ntlm_user_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_user ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_user_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_user_convert $ntlm_user_convert } else { append ntlm_user_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_user $ntlm_user_convert set ntlm_host_convert "" foreach i [ split $ntlm_host ""] { scan $i %c c if {$c>1} { append ntlm_host_convert $i } elseif {$c<128} { set ntlm_host_convert $ntlm_host_convert } else { append ntlm_host_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c] } } set ntlm_host $ntlm_host_convert } binary scan $ntlm_msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata binary scan $ntlm_msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h set interesting 1 if { ($ntlm_domain equals $static::user_domain or [string tolower $ntlm_user] ends_with $static::email_domain) } { set attack 1 if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab $ntlm_user] == 1} { # Block ntlm_user exceeding the number of failed logons in the timeout period log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLED $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host at [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]])" reject return } else { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for [HTTP::uri]." } } else { set attack 0 log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - Not a valid user - Login attempt by $ntlm_domain\\$ntlm_user from $ntlm_host for [HTTP::uri]." } return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags] \ ntlm_domain $ntlm_domain ntlm_host $ntlm_host ntlm_user $ntlm_user \ lmhash $lmdata nthash $ntdata] } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {[info exists interesting] && $interesting == 1} { set client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] set node [IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port] set nodeResp [HTTP::status] if { $nodeResp == 401 and ([info exists attack] and $attack == 1)} { log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - invalid credentials detected for $ntlm_user" table set -subtable $static::fail_tab -notouch -excl [IP::client_addr] 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr] if {[table lookup -subtable $static::fail_tab [IP::client_addr]] >= $static::max_failures} { set now [clock seconds] set now_date [split [clock format $now -format {%X %x}] " "] set later [expr {$now + $static::block_duration}] set later_date [split [clock format $later -format {%X %x}] " "] log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING IPADDR - [IP::client_addr] (Reputation=[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]) at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::blacklist_tab -excl [IP::client_addr] 1 indef $static::block_duration } if {[info exists ntlm_user]} { table set -subtable $static::userfail_tab -notouch -excl $ntlm_user 0 indef $static::fail_memory table incr -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user if {[table lookup -subtable $static::userfail_tab $ntlm_user] >= $static::max_failures} { set now [clock seconds] set later [expr {$now + $static::block_duration}] log $static::log_pri "[virtual] - BLACKHOLING USER - $ntlm_user at $now_date until $later_date" table set -subtable $static::userblacklist_tab -excl $ntlm_user 1 indef $static::block_duration } } } } } Tested this on version: 11.5893Views0likes3Comments