277 TopicsHow to correctly monitor a Database Oracle
we are configuring a monitor health for a Oracle database which has the next configuration parameters: Send String: select * from dual Response: X user:CONSULTA_ANALISTA password:xxxxxxx connection string: PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %node_ip%)(PORT = %node_port%)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) Row:3 Column:1 alias address: alias service port:1527 the monitor doesn't work and the pool member never is seen up, i have looked at the debug of the connection and this is what i see in a portion of it: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors tail -30 Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %node_ip%)(PORT = %node_port%)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=3 RECV_I=X SEND=select * from dual USERNAME=CONSULTA_ANALISTA TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ORACLE__Common_BD_monitor_PDN_::ffff:172.20. PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches EXCEPTION connecting to DBDaemon: fflush(): Connection reset by peer i have also tried putting all the info directly like this: ********** Debugging session beginning at: Mon Jul 6 17:07:02 2015 Arguments 1-2: ::ffff: 1527 Environment variables: COUNT=0 DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1527)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=1 RECV_I=ok SEND=TNSPING 1527 USERNAME=CONSULTA_ANALISTA TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches Asking daemon to ping remote database. Expected result not received: Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details. Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details. If i look into /var/log/DBDaemon.log; it isn't updating. It seems that somehow the process is attached to other monitor over port 1521 an maybe that is the origin of the conflicto and fail of Oracle monitoring: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors ps -fe|grep DB root 19578 1 0 Jun16 ? Ssl 43:33 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjd k.x86_64/bin/java -cp /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib/ jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/share/monitors/mysql-connecto r-java.jar:/usr/share/monitors/DB_monitor.jar:/usr/share/monitors/sqljdbc4.jar:/ usr/share/monitors/ojdbc6.jar:/usr/share/monitors/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar - Xmx64m com.f5.eav.DBDaemon 1521 19578 01.2KViews1like5Comments