1 TopicBigIP APM Oauth - set to 'Failed to perform curl: Failure when receiving data from the peer'
We've been dealing with a issue when an Oath token is sent to Azure for authentication using XXX.session.oauth.client.last.auth_redirect: login.windows.net/XXXXX/XXXX session.oauth.client.last.auth_resule 0 We are constantly seeing the error and causing out Oath Client to be denied. We are able to perform a "discover" in the Provider and able to "dig" to the Azure Enterprise. Our DNS Resolver is able to resolve DNS as per guide. Has anybody come across this and can point us in the right direction? The only way we can make is work is to change the APM policy to "fallback" Allow OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth Client: failed for server '/DC-TEST/Azure_Oauth_Server' using 'authorization_code' grant type (client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), error: Failed to perform curl: Failure when receiving data from the peer Session variable 'session.oauth.client./DC-TEST/OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag.authresult' set to '0' Session variable 'session.oauth.client./DC-TEST/OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag.errMsg' set to 'Failed to perform curl: Failure when receiving data from the peer Session variable 'session.oauth.client.last.authresult' set to '0' OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth: Request parameter 'client_secret=********'OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth: Request parameter 'grant_type=authorization_code' OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth: Request parameter 'redirect_uri=https://our.test.website.com/oauth/client/redirect OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth: Request parameter 'code=********' OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth Client: failed for server '/DC-TEST/Azure_Oauth_Server' using 'authorization_code' grant type (client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), error: Failed to perform curl: Failure when receiving data from the peer If we change the Access Policy "fallback" to "Allow" the user is then allowed to reach the backend application but would have otherwise been denied. It seem during the Oauth Client process the token request is rejected Previously we were seeing the error below which we resolved by making sure the DNS resolver could resolve DNS correctly. OAuthClientToAzureAD_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth Client: failed for server '/DC-TEST/AzureAD_Server' using 'authorization_code' grant type (client_id=d7b3f856-6053-462b-a8f3-c2820e2a4c6c), error: HTTP error 503, DNS lookup failed908Views0likes5Comments