15 TopicsAction On Log
Problem this snippet solves: Perl script that runs as a daemon to watch a log file (like tail in the background), and runs a command when a certain message is found. Smart enough to keep working when log files get rotated, etc. Very handy when you need to run a command to start gathering debugging data or recover from failure that is indicated by a log message. How to use this snippet: Note that when the script is first started it sends SIGHUP to syslogd (or syslog-ng if present) which causes the daemons to reload their configuration files and flush their log buffers. This is needed in case the message you want to find is currently being suppressed by "last message repeated XX times". The script is configured by editing the first 3 variables at the top of the script that specify the log file to watch via $LOG_FILE, log message to look for via $LOG_MESSAGE, and the action to take via $ACTION (i.e. command to run). The $LOG_MESSAGE to match is a regular expression matched against each new line in the log file like this: if (/$LOG_MESSAGE/) So if you specify a simple $LOG_MESSAGE like this: $LOG_MESSAGE = "test string"; This would match so long as any part of the log line contained "test string". So "foobar test string asdf" would still match "test string". There are 2 additional (optional) configuration parameters after the first 3 that specify how often to check if the log file has been rotated via $IDLE_TIMER, and how many lines to read when re-opening a log file that has been rotated via $MAX_ROTATED_LINES. The script can be tested like so: Determine which facility/severity messages are sent to /var/log/messages based on your syslog.conf or syslog-ng.conf. In my case, uucp.notice goes there. Start the script with default settings: perl The default action is to append a string to a file named "/var/tmp/mylog.txt", so first cat this file and make sure it's empty: cat /var/tmp/mylog.txt Now send the log messages the script is checking for: logger -p uucp.notice "foo watchdog bar" Repeat step #3 -- this time you'll see that the file exists and contains the expected message. You can stop the daemon like so: kill $(cat /var/run/ OS Support Older versions of this script have been tested against a fairly wide variety of unix-like platforms with great success, including BSDi 3.x, FreeBSD 4.x, Linux (2.4.x-era and current 2.6.x-era distros). Some have reported success running this script directly on BIG-IP 4.x and 9.x, though obviously F5 wouldn't support doing so. (Modify $LOG_FILE, $LOG_MESSAGE, and $ACTION as appropriate, and optionally $IDLE_TIMER, and $MAX_ROTATE_LINES) Code : #!/usr/bin/perl ## VERSION v0.5 use warnings; use strict; ################ # script settings ###### my $LOG_FILE = "/var/log/messages"; my $LOG_MESSAGE = "watchdog"; my $ACTION = "echo log message found >> /var/tmp/mylog.txt"; # misc my $IDLE_TIMER = 5; # if ! receiving log entries, how long before checking if log is rotated my $MAX_ROTATED_LINES = 500; # max lines to read from file we're re-reading because it's been rotated my $DEBUG = 0; # 0/1 #################################################### # END OF THINGS THAT SHOULD BE CONFIGURED #################################################### ######## # set defaults ### my($PID_FILE); $LOG_FILE ||= "/var/log/messages"; $LOG_MESSAGE ||= "FAILED"; $IDLE_TIMER ||= 5; $PID_FILE ||= "/var/run/"; $DEBUG ||= 0; ###### # misc global variable declaration ########## my($TAIL_CHILD_PID, $TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE); my($CURRENT_SIZE, $CURRENT_INODE, $LAST_SIZE, $LAST_INODE); $CURRENT_SIZE = $CURRENT_INODE = 0; $LAST_SIZE = $LAST_INODE = -1; $|++; ########### # functions ####### # exit function that does does necessary child handling sub finish () { if (defined $TAIL_CHILD_PID && $TAIL_CHILD_PID != 0) { $DEBUG && print "INTERRUPT: sending SIGINT and SIGTERM to: $TAIL_CHILD_PID\n"; kill(2, $TAIL_CHILD_PID); sleep(1); kill(15, $TAIL_CHILD_PID); waitpid($TAIL_CHILD_PID, 0); } $DEBUG && print "INTERRUPT: unlink pidfile and exit\n"; unlink($PID_FILE); exit(0); } $SIG{INT} = sub { finish(); }; # simple sub to send SIGHUP to syslogd sub restart_syslogd () { if (-f "/var/run/") { open(PIDFILE, "; chomp; kill(1, ($_)); 1; } sub fork_to_background ($) { my $cmd = shift(); my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { exec($cmd) || die "exec() failed: $!\n"; } else { return($pid); } } sub popen_read ($) { my $cmd = shift(); my $child; $DEBUG && print "Background: \"$cmd\"\n"; pipe(READLOG, WRITELOG); select(READLOG); $|++; select(WRITELOG); $|++; select(STDOUT); ## dup STDOUT and STDERR open(T_STDOUT, ">&STDOUT"); open(T_STDERR, ">&STDERR"); ## redir STDOUT to pipe for child open(STDOUT, ">&WRITELOG"); open(STDERR, ">&WRITELOG"); $child = fork_to_background($cmd); ## close STDOUT and STDERR inherited by child close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); ## re-open STDOUT as normal for this process and close dup open(STDOUT, ">&T_STDOUT"); close(T_STDOUT); open(STDERR, ">&T_STDERR"); close(T_STDERR); return($child, \*READLOG); } sub open_log ($$) { my $LOG_FILE = shift(); my $lines = shift(); if (defined($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE) && defined(fileno($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE)) && $TAIL_CHILD_PID != 0) { $DEBUG && print "Killing tail child pid $TAIL_CHILD_PID before closing LOG\n"; kill(15, $TAIL_CHILD_PID); waitpid($TAIL_CHILD_PID, 0); $TAIL_CHILD_PID = 0; $DEBUG && print "Closing LOG\n"; close($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE); } if (! -f $LOG_FILE) { $DEBUG && print "Log file \"$LOG_FILE\" not found\n"; $TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE = undef; return 0; } $DEBUG && print "Opening \"$LOG_FILE\"\n"; ($TAIL_CHILD_PID, $TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE) = popen_read("tail -n $lines -f $LOG_FILE"); 1; } ## check to see if log is rotated, returns true if rotated sub is_rotated ($) { my $LOG_FILE = shift(); $DEBUG && print "enter is_rotated()\n"; ($CURRENT_INODE, $CURRENT_SIZE) = (stat($LOG_FILE))[1,7]; if (!defined $CURRENT_INODE || !defined $CURRENT_SIZE) { $CURRENT_INODE = 0; $CURRENT_SIZE = 0; } if (($LAST_SIZE > 0) && ($LAST_SIZE > $CURRENT_SIZE)) { $DEBUG && print "File is smaller. File must have been rotated\n"; ($LAST_INODE, $LAST_SIZE) = ($CURRENT_INODE, $CURRENT_SIZE); open_log($LOG_FILE, $MAX_ROTATED_LINES); return(1); } elsif (($LAST_INODE > 0) && ($LAST_INODE != $CURRENT_INODE)) { $DEBUG && print "Inode changed. File must have been rotated\n"; ($LAST_INODE, $LAST_SIZE) = ($CURRENT_INODE, $CURRENT_SIZE); open_log($LOG_FILE, $MAX_ROTATED_LINES); return(1); } elsif ($LAST_INODE == 0 && $LAST_SIZE == 0) { $DEBUG && print "Size and inode were 0 last time. File must have been removed\n"; ($LAST_INODE, $LAST_SIZE) = ($CURRENT_INODE, $CURRENT_SIZE); open_log($LOG_FILE, $MAX_ROTATED_LINES); return(1); } ($LAST_INODE, $LAST_SIZE) = ($CURRENT_INODE, $CURRENT_SIZE); 0; } ########### # MAIN ######## ####### DAEMONIZE ############# chdir("/"); exit unless (fork() == 0); # kill old self, write pid file if (-f $PID_FILE) { open(PIDFILE, "<$PID_FILE"); kill(15, ); close(PIDFILE); } open(PIDFILE, ">$PID_FILE"); syswrite(PIDFILE, $$); close(PIDFILE); ## set handler for SIGTERM (regular kill) $SIG{TERM} = sub { finish(); }; ################ # watch log-based trigger #################### print "\nWaiting for \"$LOG_MESSAGE\" in \"$LOG_FILE\". Will run:\n\"$ACTION\"\n"; # creates global $TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE filehandle of $LOG_FILE open_log($LOG_FILE, 0); # flush syslogd's buffers (avoid never getting the message due to "last message repeated....") restart_syslogd(); LOOP: # tail -f the log and wait for message while (1) { if (!defined($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE) || !defined(fileno($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE)) ) { # this suggests the file was removed while we were using it... sleep($IDLE_TIMER); is_rotated($LOG_FILE); next; } eval { $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("ALRM\n"); }; alarm($IDLE_TIMER); $_ = readline($TAIL_OUTPUT_PIPE); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { # this only occurs if we're idle for $IDLE_TIMER seconds because no new log entries are occuring $@ = undef; is_rotated($LOG_FILE); next; } chop(); $DEBUG && print "in LOG reading loop, current line: \"$_\"\n"; if (/$LOG_MESSAGE/) { $DEBUG && print "Current line matches: \"$LOG_MESSAGE\"\n"; last; } $DEBUG && print "no match, next\n"; } ## log message found: DO SOMETHING system($ACTION); goto LOOP; # kill all children; doesn't return finish(); 0;293Views0likes0CommentsSyslog NG Email Configuration
Problem this snippet solves: We describe here how to setup syslog-ng to send syslog messages via email. There is an AskF5 solution - SOL3667: Configuring SNMP trap alerts to send email notifications - which describes how to configure messages to be emailed via alertd and which is the only supported way. This procedure provides full control over the form of the email and the messages being sent, but is not supported. A supported alternative is to configure syslog-ng to forward messages to another server where you could apply any customizations you need, including what we describe here. How to use this snippet: Simply copy the configuration script source below to a text editor, edit to fit your environment, then install the configuration following the procedure detailed in this article: LTM 9.4.2+: Custom Syslog Configuration Please note the following: (Enable and disable by removing or inserting hash/comment marks at the beginning of the line.) 5.With a Postfix destination enabled, the Postfix server process will accept the mail and inject into the queue even if the Postfix system is unable to send mail. Next time Postfix is enabled, all queued mail will be delivered. If you've been testing without Postfix running, you might want to take advantage of these commands to manage the queue before bringing the service up: To inspect the Postfix queue use the command: postqueu –p To forcibly empty the queue: postsuper -dALL How it works When syslog-ng first parses the production version of this configuration, it starts the program specified in the d_email destination stanza (/usr/sbin/sendmail –bs), which is the Postfix SMTP server running in standalone daemon mode. When a message arrives that matches the filter, syslog-ng will use the template to compose the message and feed it via SMTP to Postfix. You have full access to every aspect of the email via the template. You can set the subject, the body, add any extra headers you wish, such as X-headers. You can insert any of the syslog-ng defined macros anywhere you like. For more information, please see the The syslog-ng Administrator Guide If for whatever reason the SMTP server process exits, syslog-ng will restart it, but only one copy is ever executed concurrently. Code : syslog include " template t_smtp { template_escape(no); template(\"NOOP HELO localhost MAIL From: RCPT To: DATA Date: $R_STAMP From: To: Subject: $S_DATE [$FACILITY:$PRIORITY] $MSG . \"); }; filter f_test { match(\" \") ; }; # destination #1 - to logfile for initial stanza development # Disable in production destination d_logfile { file(\"/var/log/syslog-email-config.log\" ); }; # destination #2 - to email with postfix logging for debugging mail transport issues # Disable in production #destination d_logfile_email { # program(\"/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs > /var/log/syslog-ng-sendmail.log 2>&1\" # ts_format(\"rfc3339\") # template(t_smtp) # ); #}; # destination #3 - to email for production # Enable only after validating filters and mail transport are operating as expected #destination d_email { # program(\"/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs\" ts_format(\"rfc3339\") template(t_smtp)); #}; log { source(local);source(s_bcm56xxd);source(s_tomcat4);source(s_tmm); destination(d_logfile); # destination(d_logfile_email); # destination(d_email); filter(f_test); }; "704Views0likes2CommentsCreate Pools/Vips with tmsh via MS-Excel script
Problem this snippet solves: This spreadsheet Excel is useful to create VIPs, pools, nodes, policy, etc. It is also included script for ASM. The AFM script, I ended up not using and therefore I have not tested very well. I decided to share because it might help someone to gain some time to configure the BigIP. How to use this snippet: Fill the information and then get a script. So, connect by ssh and in the tmsh, paste the script (preferably in blocks, slowly for reasons of buffer length), then, if we have success, give us some time to do other steps...1KViews0likes7CommentsBIG-IP Backup Script In Bash
Problem this snippet solves: A script that can backup F5 configurations, runs daily, and FTP's the backup to a defined remote server. You will need to change the ftphost, user and password variables to reflect the FTP server you are connecting to as well as change the directory where the script has "cd /F5/JAX1" to reflect the clients directory structure. Cron job setup To ensure a daily backup, save the script source below in /etc/cron.daily: Code : #!/bin/bash # set the date variable today=$(date +'%Y%m%d') ftphost="ADD FTP IP HERE" user="ADD FTP USERNAME HERE" password="ADD FTP PASSWORD HERE" #run the F5 bigpipe config builder cd / bigpipe config save /config.ucs #Rename the config.ucs and append the date to the end NUM=0 until [ "$NUM" -eq 5 ] do if [ -f /config.ucs ] then mv config.ucs config-$today.ucs ; break else sleep 5 fi NUM=`expr "$NUM" + 1` done [[ ! -f /config-$today.ucs ]] && exit 1 #Open the FTP connection and move the file ftp -in <755Views0likes3CommentsBIG-IP Multi Host CPU Monitor
Problem this snippet solves: This script polls the BIG-IP via SNMP and displays the current CPU utilization for each processor and the global utilization for all processors. How to use this snippet: Install script on remote system with appropriate permissions. Make sure Perl and the Net::SNMP perl module are installed. Code : #!/usr/bin/perl -w # This code is not supported by F5 Network and is offered under the GNU General Public License. Use at your own risk. use strict; use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp); my ($host, $snmp_comm); $host = $ARGV[0]; $snmp_comm = $ARGV[1]; chomp ($host , $snmp_comm); my $cpuIndex = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio5s = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio1m = "."; my $cpuUsageRatio5m = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio5s = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio1m = "."; my $gcpuUsageRatio5m = "."; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host, -community => $snmp_comm, -port => 161, -version => 'snmpv2c', -nonblocking => 0 ); if (!defined $session) { print "Received no SNMP response from $host\n"; print STDERR "Error: $error\n"; exit -1; } my $allCPU = $session->get_table ( -baseoid => $cpuIndex ); my %cpu_table = %{$allCPU}; my $x = 0; print "\n\nCPU Utilization:\t5s\t1m\t5m\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %cpu_table) { my @oid_index = split(/\./, $key); my $ltm_cpu5s = $cpuUsageRatio5s . $oid_index[-1]; my $ltm_cpu1m = $cpuUsageRatio1m . $oid_index[-1]; my $ltm_cpu5m = $cpuUsageRatio5m . $oid_index[-1]; my $oid_ratios = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$ltm_cpu5s, $ltm_cpu1m, $ltm_cpu5m] ); print "\tCPU$x\t\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu5s}\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu1m}\t$oid_ratios->{$ltm_cpu5m}\n"; $x++; } my $oid_gratios = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$gcpuUsageRatio5s, $gcpuUsageRatio1m, $gcpuUsageRatio5m] ); print "\tGlobal\t\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio5s}\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio1m}\t$oid_gratios->{$gcpuUsageRatio5m}\n\n\n";453Views0likes1CommentASM All Policy Export
Problem this snippet solves: ASM all policy export v1.4 - 15 Aug 2007 Writes out the active policy for each ASM web application to a gzip'd tar archive (see usage subrouting for details) Tested on BIG-IP ASM versions: 9.2.4, 9.4.0, 9.4.1 Aaron Hooley - LODOGA Security Limited (hooleylists at gmail dot com) Code : #!/usr/bin/perl # # ASM policy export # v1.4 - 15 Aug 2007 # # Writes out the active policy for each ASM web application to a gzip'd tar archive # (see usage subrouting for details) # # Tested on BIG-IP ASM versions: 9.2.4, 9.4.0, 9.4.1 # # Aaron Hooley - LODOGA Security Limited ( # use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use lib '/ts/packages/'; use GenUtils qw//; use POSIX qw/strftime/; use File::Path; # pass_through: all unknown options are left in @ARGV use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use File::Basename; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; use constant DEBUG => 1; # 1 = log debug messages to standard out; 0 = don't use debug use constant OUTPUT_DIR => '/shared/asm_all_policy_export/output/'; # Default output directory for finalized compressed tar archive containing each output file # options below these shouldn't need to be modified use constant UCS_DIR => '/var/local/ucs/'; # If writing output file as a UCS for access to files via the GUI, use the UCS directory use constant TMP_DIR => '/shared/tmp/'; # Temporary directory to write the individual policies to use constant VERSION_FILE => '/VERSION'; # File which contains BIG-IP version info use constant LOCK_FILE => '/ts/lock/asm_all_policy_export.lock'; # Lock file used to ensure only one copy of the script is executing at a time use constant USERS_CFG_FILE => '/ts/common/users.cfg'; # System file containing user and database details use constant VERSION_FILE => '/VERSION'; # System file which contains BIG-IP version info use constant DRIVER => GenUtils::cfg_get_config_item(USERS_CFG_FILE, 'DATABASE', 'Driver'); use constant DCC => GenUtils::cfg_get_config_item(USERS_CFG_FILE, 'DATABASE', 'Name'); use constant PLC => GenUtils::cfg_get_config_item(USERS_CFG_FILE, 'POLICY_DATABASE', 'Name'); use constant DB_USER => GenUtils::cfg_get_config_item(USERS_CFG_FILE, 'DATABASE', 'User'); use constant F5_EXPORT_SCRIPT => '/ts/tools/'; # Stop this script if ASM is not licensed check_license(); # Create a lock so only one instance of script runs at a time my ($lock_sub,$unlock_sub,$cleanup_lock_sub) = GenUtils::lock_factory(LOCK_FILE) or fatal_error("Cannot open lockfile '".LOCK_FILE."': $!"); $lock_sub->(); # Stop the script if the F5 single policy export script doesn't exist if (not (-e F5_EXPORT_SCRIPT)){ fatal_error(qq{Cannot access F5 export script: }.F5_EXPORT_SCRIPT."\n\n"); } # Get command line options if the script was called correctly # Return variables (and their default values) are: debug ('not_set'), output_path ('not_set'), output_file ('not_set'), use_ucs_dir (0) # As the handle_commandline_arguments subroutine handles the help flag itself, we don't need to consider it my %args = handle_commandline_arguments(); # Set the debug level to the higher level of the constant and command line interface (CLI) option. See usage for debug levels. my $debug = $args{debug}; if ($debug eq 'not_set') { $debug = DEBUG; } print "Verbose debug enabled\n" if $debug > 1; # Get MySQL password (and verify the BIG-IP version is supported by this script) my $mysql_pass = get_mysql_password(); # Verify required config items were read successfully if (not defined DRIVER or not defined DCC or not defined PLC or not defined DB_USER or not defined $mysql_pass){ fatal_error(qq{Problems accessing database users configuration file\n\n}); } # Get current timestamp for output filename, formatted as %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S my $date = get_date(); # Set output directory according to CLI option or default from constant. # If use_ucs_dir option is enabled, ignore any other setting for the path of the output and use UCS_DIR constant value my $use_ucs_dir = 0; my $output_path; # Check if the CLI option for using the UCS dir is set if ($args{use_ucs_dir}==1){ # It is; so we're writing out the output file to the UCS directory $use_ucs_dir = 1; $output_path = UCS_DIR; } elsif ($args{output_path} ne 'not_set' and length($args{output_path}) > 1){ # UCS option wasn't set, and another output path was set via CLI option $output_path= $args{output_path}; } else { # UCS option wasn't set and no output path was specified in CLI option, so use the default path from the constant $output_path = OUTPUT_DIR; } # Add a trailing slash to the output path if it's not there already if (substr($output_path,-1,1) ne "/") { $output_path .= "/"; } # Create the output path if it doesn't exist already (skip this for the UCS path as it has to already exist) if (not $use_ucs_dir){ make_output_path($output_path); } # Set the output fully qualified filename according to CLI if set, else default to the constant value my $output_file; if ($args{output_file} eq 'not_set' or length($args{output_file})==0){ # Output file wasn't specified in CLI option, so use the default $output_file = build_output_filename_with_path($output_path, $date); } else { # An output file was specified in the CLI option so use that for the filename $output_file = $output_path.$args{output_file}; } # Append .ucs to the filename if using the UCS path for output, so the GUI will present it in the archive list. # Check that the filename doesn't already end in .ucs if ($use_ucs_dir==1 and not ($output_file =~ /.*?\.ucs$/i)){ $output_file .= ".ucs"; } # Check if mysql is up. If not, start it my $restore_mysql_to_prior_state = check_mysql(); # Run the export subroutine export(); # Stop mysql if it wasn't running before we started $restore_mysql_to_prior_state->(); # Release the lock $unlock_sub->(); $cleanup_lock_sub->(); exit; # # Main subroutine which exports the active policies and writes the output to a compressed tar archive # sub export { # Initialize an array to store the full path/filename for the individual exported policies my @exported_filenames; # SQL query to retrieve the names of each web app, the active policy name and the active policy ID my $sql_statement = qq{ SELECT a.domain_name AS 'Web App', AS 'Policy', AS 'POLICY.ID' FROM DCC.ACCOUNTS a INNER JOIN PLC.PL_POLICIES p ON a.active_policy_id =; }; # Connect to mysql database my $dbh = connect_to_db($mysql_pass); # Prepare the SQL statement my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_statement) or fatal_error(qq{Problems preparing sql: |$sql_statement|: $DBI::errstr\n\n}); # Execute the SQL statement $sth->execute() or fatal_error(qq{Problems executing sql: |$sql_statement|: $DBI::errstr\n\n}); print $sth->rows()." active policies in resultset\n" if $debug > 1; # Loop through each web app and export the active policy using the F5 export policy script while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { # Parse the three column values for this record my ($webapp, $policy_name, $policy_id) = @row; print "\$webapp = $webapp; \$policy_name = $policy_name, \$policy_id = $policy_id\n" if $debug > 1; # Build file name for a single policy my $single_policy = $webapp.'_'.$policy_name.'_'.$date.'.plc'; # Add current single policy file to the array of files push (@exported_filenames, $single_policy); # Call the F5 supplied policy export command: # /ts/tools/ -a ACTION -p POLICY_ID -f OUTPUT_FILE # example: /ts/tools/ -a export -p 1 -f /shared/tmp/policy_export/my-web-app_policy-name_2007-08-01_12-00-00.plc my @export_cmd = ( 'nice -n 19', F5_EXPORT_SCRIPT, '-a export', '-p', $policy_id, '-f', TMP_DIR.$single_policy); print "@export_cmd \n" if $debug > 1; # Run the export command for a single policy my $out = `@export_cmd`; print "policy export result: $out\n" if $debug > 1; if (not ($out =~ "successfully")){ fatal_error( qq/Failed to export policy using '@export_cmd'\n\n/ ); } } # tar up the files (uses 'nice -n 19' to lower the CPU priority for the tar'ing) my @tar_cmd = ( 'nice -n 19 tar', '-z', '-c', '-f', $output_file, '-C', TMP_DIR, @exported_filenames); print @tar_cmd if $debug > 1; system("@tar_cmd") == 0 or fatal_error( qq/Failed to create tar using '@tar_cmd'/ ); # Clean up temp files cleanup(@exported_filenames); # Report success with the output file name print "Exported ".$sth->rows()." policies to " . $output_file . "\n" if $debug > 0; # Log a successful message to syslog GenUtils::ts_syslog( 'info', 'All active ASM policies exported to %s', $output_file ); } # # Other subroutines # sub get_mysql_password { # Verify BIG-IP version is supported and get MySQL password based on version my $bigip_version = get_bigip_version(); # Initialize a variable to store the MySQL password. MySQL password is different between (9.2.x/9.3.x) and 9.4.x+ my $mysql_pass; # If version is 9.4.x use F5 function get_mysql_password if (substr($bigip_version,0,3) eq "9.4"){ $mysql_pass = GenUtils::get_mysql_password(); } elsif (substr($bigip_version,0,3) eq "9.2" or substr($bigip_version,0,3) eq "9.3"){ # For 9.2.x and 9.3.x, get it from the users.cfg file $mysql_pass = GenUtils::cfg_get_config_item(USERS_CFG_FILE, 'DATABASE', 'Password'); } else { # Parsed version was unknown, so kill the script fatal_error(qq{Version $bigip_version unknown\n\n}); } print "\$mysql_pass: $mysql_pass\n" if $debug > 1; return $mysql_pass; } sub build_output_filename_with_path { # Build the path/filename for the output file. Expect the path and date as parameters. my ($output_path, $date) = @_; # Get BIG-IP hostname my $bigip_hostname = get_bigip_hostname(); # Build name of output tar ball with fully qualified path return ($output_path . $bigip_hostname."_policy-export_$date.tgz"); } sub get_bigip_hostname { # Get the BIG-IP hostname my $hostname = `hostname`; if (not defined $hostname){ fatal_error(qq{Cannot get BIG-IP hostname using hostname command}); } else { chomp($hostname); return $hostname; } } sub get_bigip_version { # Get the BIG-IP version to determine how to get MySQL root password my $version; # Check if version file exists if (-f VERSION_FILE){ # Open the version file or stop script open (my $fh, '<', VERSION_FILE) or fatal_error(qq{get_bigip_version: cannot open version file }.VERSION_FILE); # Read in the contents of the version file while (<$fh>){ # Do case insensitive search for "version: xxx" and get the match from a backreference ($1) if ($_ =~ /^version:\s+(\S+)$/i){ $version = $1; print "get_bigip_version: \$version: $version\n" if $debug > 1; } } if (not $version){ # Kill the script as we couldn't parse the version fatal_error(qq{get_bigip_version: Could not parse version from: }.VERSION_FILE."\n"); } close $fh; } else { fatal_error(qq{get_bigip_version: version file does not exist: }.VERSION_FILE); } return ("$version"); } sub cleanup { # Clean up temp files used during policy export print "Cleaning up\n" if $debug > 1; my (@files_to_cleanup) = @_; foreach my $file (@files_to_cleanup) { if ( -e TMP_DIR.$file ) { print "Deleting temp file: " . TMP_DIR . $file . "\n" if $debug > 1; unlink TMP_DIR.$file or warn qq/Failed to remove file '/. TMP_DIR . $file . qq/': $!/; } } } sub check_mysql { # Is mysql running? my $mysql_was_up = GenUtils::check_mysql(); return sub { GenUtils::stop_mysql() unless $mysql_was_up; }; } sub connect_to_db { # Open database connection #my $mysql_pass = @_; my $database = 'DCC'; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:".DRIVER.":".$database, DB_USER, $mysql_pass, { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc', } ) or fatal_error( "Cannot connect to $database: $DBI::errstr\n" ); return $dbh; } sub check_license { # Kill script if ASM isn't licensed if ( not GenUtils::is_ts_licensed() ) { GenUtils::ts_syslog( 'info', 'ASM support is not enabled' ); fatal_error(qq{ASM is not licensed. Aborting script.\n}); } } sub get_date { # Get date in format year-month-day_hour-minute-second return POSIX::strftime( "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", localtime ); } sub make_output_path { # Create the output path if it doesn't exist already my ($output_path) = @_; if (not (-d $output_path)){ eval { mkpath($output_path) }; if ($@) { fatal_error(qq{Could not create path $output_path: $@\n}); } else { print "make_output_path: made path $output_path" if $debug > 1; } } } sub fatal_error { # Write error details to syslog and exit script my ($msg,%args) = @_; GenUtils::ts_syslog('err', "%s", $msg); print $msg; exit(1); } sub handle_commandline_arguments { # Set some default values for the options my %arguments = (); $arguments{debug} = 'not_set'; $arguments{output_path} = 'not_set'; $arguments{output_file} = 'not_set'; $arguments{use_ucs_dir} = 0; $arguments{help} = 0; # Parse the options from the command line my $options = GetOptions ( "debug|d:i" => \$arguments{debug}, # match for debug or d as an integer "output_path|p:s" => \$arguments{output_path}, # match on output_path or p as a string "output_filename|f:s" => \$arguments{output_file}, # match on output_file or f as a string "use_ucs_directory|u" => \$arguments{use_ucs_dir}, # match on use_ucs_directory or u, binary type "help|h" => \$arguments{help}, # match on help or h, binary type ); # Debug printing of options if ($arguments{debug} ne 'not_set' and $arguments{debug} > 1){ while (my ($key, $value) = each(%arguments)){ print $key.": ".$value."\n"; } if (@ARGV){ print "extra args found: \n"; print "@ARGV\n"; } } # print the usage info if the options couldn't be parsed, help option was enabled, unknown options were used, or the output_path doesn't start with a / if ($arguments{help}){ print "Help option set\n".usage(); } elsif (@ARGV) { print "Unparsed options set: \n"; print "@ARGV\n"; print usage(); } elsif ($arguments{output_path} ne "not_set" and substr($arguments{output_path},0,1) ne "/"){ print "output_file value must start with a forward slash\n".usage(); } else { return %arguments; } } sub usage { # stop the script if this sub is called, as we're just printing the options for calling the script # get script name my ($script_name, $gar, $bage) = File::Basename::fileparse($0); die (qq{ -------------------------------------------------------------- NAME $script_name - ASM all policy export Write out each active policy to a single compressed tar archive DESCRIPTION $script_name - Write out the policy that is marked as active for each ASM web application. Each policy is exported from the internal database and written to a combined gzip compressed tar archive. The output path and filename can be configured using command line options or in constants defined in the script. OPTIONS -d --debug 0 - print nothing to standard output 1 - print output filenames to standard output 2 - print verbose logging to standard ouput Note: values greater than 2 are considered as 2 Default: 1 -p --output_path String containing the directory to write the output file. If the path does not exist it will be created. Must start with a leading forward slash. Note: this option is ignored if the -u/--use_ucs_dir option is enabled Default: }.OUTPUT_DIR.qq{ -f --output_filename String containing the name of the output file. Note: if the -u/--use_ucs_dir option is enabled, the file extension ".ucs" will be appended to the filename if not already present. Default: BIGIP_HOSTNAME_policy-export_DATE.tgz -u --use_ucs_directory If enabled, the output file will be written to the UCS directory with a file extension of ".ucs". This allows access to the output file via the BIG-IP admin GUI under System >> Archives. Note: use of this option overrides the use of the -f/--output_dir option Default: Disabled -h --help Print this help menu EXAMPLES $script_name -d 2 -p /path/to/ -f output.tgz Use debug level 2, write output to the specified path and file $script_name --debug 2 --ucs --output_filename asm_policy_export.tgz.ucs Use debug level 2, write output archive to the UCS directory with the specified filename. -------------------------------------------------------------- }); }313Views0likes1CommentBIG-IP backup script with SCP transfer
Problem this snippet solves: BIP-IP backup script with SCP transfer option. First version works with 10.2 (bigpipe) command. Second version works with 11.2 (tmsh). 11.2 version also contains some logic fixes. This script creates tar.bz2 archives which include a .ucs file and a .scf of the F5's configuration. It optionally stores them locally and/or transfers them to a remote system using SCP. Code : #!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2010 Colin Stubbs # Changes to 11.2.x (tmsh syntax) and additional logic by Tim Davies # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <> # # Additional files you'll need to create, example content: # # # /etc/cron.d/f5backup # SHELL=/bin/bash # PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # MAILTO=user@somewhere # HOME=/var/tmp # 0 0 * * * root /bin/bash /var/local/bin/ 1>/var/tmp/f5backup.log 2>&1 # # EOF # # # /root/.ssh/f5archive_config # # Host * # User f5archive # PasswordAuthentication no # StrictHostKeyChecking yes # IdentityFile /root/.ssh/f5archive_dsa # Port 22 # Protocol 2 # Ciphers aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc # UserKnownHostsFile /root/.ssh/f5archive_host # # # EOF # # REQUIRES: # F5 BIG-IP 11.2.x # Debug ? Set to non-blank if so. DEBUG='' # Current date/time stamp DATETIME="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`" # Base working directory OUT_DIR='/var/tmp' # Unique temporary output location TEMP_DIR="`mktemp -d ${OUT_DIR}/f5backup.XXXXXXXXXX`" # Backup options # Export a UCS archive DO_UCS='x' # Export a single config file DO_SCF='x' # Export SCF with oneline bigpipe statements DO_SCF_ONELINE='x' # Use SCP with pubkey to export to remote system DO_SCP_EXPORT=1 # SCP options must be set if you want to use this SCP_OPTIONS="" # Destination list, can be a list of username:IPorHostname if you want to # transfer to multiple destinations. Same public key used for auth to all. # ** MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE :<%DIRECTORY%> HERE SCP_DESTINATION="f5archive@" # All SCP options should be encapsulated in a special config file SCP_CONFIG="/root/.ssh/f5archive_config" # UCS output location UCS_FILE="${TEMP_DIR}/ucs.${DATETIME}.backup" # Encrypt UCS archive with passphrase # ** If blank this will not be used UCS_PASSPHRASE='' # SCF output location SCF_FILE="${TEMP_DIR}/scf.${DATETIME}.backup" # tar output location TAR_FILE="${TEMP_DIR}/scf.${DATETIME}.backup.tar" # Local archive location # ** If this variable is blank, or the destination is not writable then # this script will not copy the backup to the local archive. LOCAL_ARCHIVE="/var/local/backups" # Remove all older local backups than this many days LOCAL_CLEANUP_DAYS=7 # Name of compressed backup archive to produce OUTPUT_FILE="f5backup-${HOSTNAME}-${DATETIME}.tar.bz2" if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then for i in HOSTNAME DATETIME OUT_DIR TEMP_DIR DO_UCS DO_SCF DO_SCF_ONELINE DO_SCP_EXPORT SCP_DESTINATION SCP_OPTIONS SCP_CONFIG ASM_POLICY_LIST UCS_FILE UCS_PASSPHRASE SCF_FILE LOCAL_ARCHIVE OUTPUT_FILE ; do eval var=\$$i echo "${i} = $var" done fi function usage { echo "Usage:" exit 0 } function export_scf() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi if [ "${DO_SCF}x" != "x" ] ; then if [ "${DO_SCF_ONELINE}x}" != "x" ] ; then tmsh save sys config one-line file "${SCF_FILE}" else tmsh save sys config one-line file "${SCF_FILE}" fi fi } function export_ucs() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi if [ "${DO_UCS}x" != "x" ] ; then if [ "${UCS_PASSPHRASE}x" != "x" ] ; then tmsh save sys ucs "${UCS_FILE}" passphrase "${UCS_PASSPHRASE}" else tmsh save sys ucs "${UCS_FILE}" fi fi } function create_backup() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi tar -v -j -c -f "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" -C "${TEMP_DIR}" . } # Transfer backup archive to offsite location/s function backup_remote() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi if [ -f "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" ] ; then if [ "${DO_SCP_EXPORT}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "Copying to remote archive ${SCP_DESTINATION}${OUTPUT_FILE}" if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "Exec: /usr/bin/scp ${SCP_OPTIONS} -F ${SCP_CONFIG} ${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE} ${SCP_DESTINATION}" ; fi /usr/bin/scp ${SCP_OPTIONS} -F "${SCP_CONFIG}" "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" "${SCP_DESTINATION}" || echo "Error: SCP ${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE} ${SCP_DESTINATION} failed!" fi else echo "Error: ${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE} doesn't exist, something has gone wrong!" fi } function backup_local() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi if [ "${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "Copying to local archive ${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" if [ ! -d "${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}" ] ; then mkdir "${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}" if [ ${?} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Error: ${LOCAL_ARCHIVE} doesn't exist and I can't create it." fi fi mv -f "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" "${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}"/ find "${LOCAL_ARCHIVE}" -type f -mtime +${LOCAL_CLEANUP_DAYS} -exec rm -v -f {} \; fi } # Cleanup what this script has done function cleanup() { if [ "${DEBUG}x" != "x" ] ; then echo "in ${FUNCNAME}(${*})" ; fi rm -rf ${TEMP_DIR} if [ -f "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" ] ; then rm -f "${OUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILE}" fi } # Sanity checking # 1. Must be run as root if [ "`id -u`x" != "0x" ] ; then echo "Error: You need to run this script as root." exit 1 fi # 2. Command line args # not applicable yet # 3. Temp dir must exist if [ ! -d "${TEMP_DIR}" ] ; then echo "Error: ${TEMP_DIR} was not created for some reason. Fix this issue and try again." exit 1 fi echo "${0} start `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`" export_ucs export_scf create_backup backup_remote backup_local cleanup echo "${0} finish `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`" # EOF Tested this on version: 11.21.1KViews0likes2Commentsringdump
Problem this snippet solves: loop a tcpdump until a log message is seen Code : # Updated: 10/16/06 #!/usr/bin/perl ## VERSION v0.9b use strict; ################ # tcpdump settings ########## my %SETTINGS = ( external => { filter => "port 443" }, internal => { filter => "port 80" }, lo0 => { filter => "port 80" }, ); my $SNAPLEN = 4352; ################ # script settings ###### # free space checking my $FREE_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1; # check free space every this number of seconds my $MIN_FREE_SPACE = 5; # minimum percent space left on parition my $CAPTURE_LOCATION = $ARGV[0]; # file rotation settings my $CAPTURES_TO_ROTATE = 4; # tcpdump capture files to rotate my $DESIRED_CAPTURE_SIZE = 15; # megabytes per capture file before rotating my $OVERLAP_DURING_ROTATE = 5; # seconds to overlap previous capture while starting a new one my $CAPTURE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1; # how often (seconds) to check the size of capture files for rotating # trigger settings - time (run tcpdumps for x seconds) #my $TRIGGER = "time-based"; my $TIME_TO_CAPTURE = 300; # trigger settings - log-message (stop tcpdump when log message is received) my $TRIGGER = "log-message based"; my $LOG_FILE = "/var/log/messages"; my $LOG_MESSAGE = "no space in response line"; my $FOUND_MESSAGE_WAIT = 5; # how many seconds to gather tcpdumps after we match the log message # misc my $IDLE_TIMER = 5; # if ! receiving log entries, how long before checking if log is rotated my $MAX_ROTATED_LINES = 10000; # max lines to read from file we're re-reading because it's been rotated my $PID_FILE = "/var/run/"; my $DEBUG = 0; # 0/1 #################################################### # END OF THINGS THAT SHOULD NEED TO BE CONFIGURED #################################################### ######## # set defaults ### $SNAPLEN ||= 4352; $TRIGGER ||= "time"; $CAPTURE_LOCATION ||= "/var/tmp"; $TIME_TO_CAPTURE ||= 60; $FREE_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL ||= 5; $CAPTURES_TO_ROTATE ||= 3; $DESIRED_CAPTURE_SIZE ||= 10; $OVERLAP_DURING_ROTATE ||= 5; $CAPTURE_CHECK_INTERVAL ||= 5; $MIN_FREE_SPACE ||= 5; $LOG_FILE ||= "/var/log/messages"; $LOG_MESSAGE ||= "FAILED"; $FOUND_MESSAGE_WAIT ||= 5; $IDLE_TIMER ||= 5; $PID_FILE ||= "/var/run/"; $DEBUG ||= 0; unless (-d $CAPTURE_LOCATION) { print "$CAPTURE_LOCATION isn't a directory, using /mnt instead\n\n"; $CAPTURE_LOCATION = "/mnt"; } if (! -r $LOG_FILE) { die "Can't read \"$LOG_FILE\", EXIT\n"; } # insert code to find tcpdump instead of relying on path HERE: my $tcpdump = "/usr/sbin/tcpdump"; ###### # misc global variable declaration ########## my($answer, $interface, $pid, $tail_child, $F_LOG); my($current_size, $current_inode, $last_size, $last_inode); my @child_pids; my $ppid = $$; my $min_megabytes = $CAPTURES_TO_ROTATE * $DESIRED_CAPTURE_SIZE; $current_size = $current_inode = $last_size = $last_inode = 0; $|++; ########### # functions ####### # exit function that does does necessary child handling sub finish { $_ = shift(); if (defined($_) && $_ ne "") { print; } foreach $interface (keys( %SETTINGS )) { push(@child_pids, $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid}); } $DEBUG && print "INTERRUPT: sending SIGINT and SIGTERM to: ", join(" ", @child_pids), "\n"; kill(2, @child_pids); sleep(1); kill(15, @child_pids); $DEBUG && print "INTERRUPT: done, unlink pidfile and exit\n"; unlink($PID_FILE); exit(0); } $SIG{INT} = sub { finish(); }; # report usage on CAPTURE_LOCATION's MB free from df sub free_megabytes { my $partition = shift(); $partition ||= $CAPTURE_LOCATION; my $free_megabytes; $DEBUG && print "free_megabytes(): capture partition is $partition\n"; open(DF, "df $partition|"); # discard the first line; $_ = ; # parse the usage out of the second line $_ = ; $free_megabytes = (split)[3]; $free_megabytes = int($free_megabytes / 1024); close(DF); $DEBUG && print "free_megabytes(): finished reading df, output is: $free_megabytes\n"; $free_megabytes; } # report usage on CAPTURE_LOCATION's % usage from df sub free_percent { my $partition = shift(); $partition ||= $CAPTURE_LOCATION; my $free_percent; $DEBUG && print "free_percent(): capture partition is $partition\n"; open(DF, "df $partition|"); # discard the first line; $_ = ; # parse the usage out of the second line $_ = ; $free_percent = (split)[4]; chop($free_percent); ## chop off '%' $free_percent = (100 - $free_percent); close(DF); $DEBUG && print "free_percent(): finished reading df, output is: $free_percent\n"; $free_percent; } # simple sub to send SIGHUP to syslogd sub restart_syslogd () { if (-f "/var/run/") { open(PIDFILE, "; chomp; kill(1, ($_)); 1; } # simple wrapper to start tcpdumps, assuming obvious globals sub start_tcpdump { my $interface = shift(); my $capture_file = shift(); my $filter = shift(); my @cmd = ("$tcpdump", "-s$SNAPLEN", "-i$interface", "-w$capture_file", "$filter"); $DEBUG || open(STDERR, ">/dev/null"); $DEBUG && print "start_tcpdump(): about to start: ", join(" ", @cmd), "\n"; exec($cmd[0], @cmd[1..$#cmd]) || print "start_tcpdump(): FAILED to start: ", join(" ", @cmd), ", command not found\n"; $DEBUG || close(STDERR); exit(1); } # sub to see how much space a given capture file is using (to decide to rotate or not) sub capture_space ($) { my $capture_file = shift(); my $size = ( stat($capture_file) )[7]; $DEBUG && print "capture_space(): size of $capture_file is $size\n"; # return size of argument in megabytes, but don't divide by zero if ($size == 0) { return 0; } else { return ($size / 1048576); } } # gives user the option to create a MFS sub create_mfs () { if (-d $CAPTURE_LOCATION) { $DEBUG && print "create_mfs(): directory $CAPTURE_LOCATION exists\n"; } else { mkdir($CAPTURE_LOCATION, oct(0755)) || die "FAILED to create $CAPTURE_LOCATION\n"; print "Capture directory ($CAPTURE_LOCATION) did not exist, so it was created\n"; } # figure out the partition CAPTURE_LOCATION is on. This is cheap... fixme my $partition = $CAPTURE_LOCATION; $partition =~ s!(/[A-z0-9]*)/{0,1}.*!$1!g; open(MOUNT, "mount|") || die "FAILED to run \"mount\": !$\n"; while ( ) { next unless ((split())[2] =~ /^$partition$/); $DEBUG && print "create_mfs(): partition: $partition is already mounted, return\n"; # return 1 if it's already mounted return 1; } close(MOUNT); print "Mount a Memory File System (MFS) on ${CAPTURE_LOCATION}? [y/n]: "; my $answer = ; if (lc($answer) =~ "y") { print "Enter size of MFS in blocks (200000 = 100M), or just press enter for 100M: "; chomp (my $mfs_size = ); $mfs_size = 200000 if ($mfs_size eq ""); print "Allocating $mfs_size blocks to $CAPTURE_LOCATION for MFS\n"; system("mount_mfs -s $mfs_size $CAPTURE_LOCATION"); if (($? >> 8) != 0) { print "an error occurring trying to mount the MFS filesystem, exit status: $?\n"; 0; } else { print "MFS file system established\n\n"; 1; } } } sub fork_to_background ($) { my $cmd = shift(); my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { exec($cmd) || die "exec() failed: $!\n"; } else { return($pid); } } sub popen_read ($) { my $cmd = shift(); my $child; $DEBUG && print "Background: \"$cmd\"\n"; pipe(READLOG, WRITELOG); select(READLOG); $|++; select(WRITELOG); $|++; select(STDOUT); ## dup STDOUT and STDERR open(T_STDOUT, ">&STDOUT"); open(T_STDERR, ">&STDERR"); ## redir STDOUT to pipe for child open(STDOUT, ">&WRITELOG"); open(STDERR, ">&WRITELOG"); $child = fork_to_background($cmd); ## close STDOUT, STDERR and FILE close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); ## re-open STDOUT as normal and close dup open(STDOUT, ">&T_STDOUT"); close(T_STDOUT); open(STDERR, ">&T_STDERR"); close(T_STDERR); return($child, \*READLOG); } sub open_log ($$) { my $LOG_FILE = shift(); my $lines = shift(); if (defined($F_LOG) && defined(fileno($F_LOG)) ) { $DEBUG && print "Killing child before closing LOG\n"; kill(15, $tail_child); waitpid($tail_child, 0); $DEBUG && print "Closing LOG\n"; close($F_LOG); } $DEBUG && print "Opening \"$LOG_FILE\"\n"; ($tail_child, $F_LOG) = popen_read("tail -n $lines -f $LOG_FILE"); push(@child_pids, $tail_child); 1; } ## check to see if log is rotated, returns true if rotated sub is_rotated ($) { my $LOG_FILE = shift(); $DEBUG && print "enter is_rotated()\n"; ($current_inode, $current_size) = (stat($LOG_FILE))[1,7]; if (($last_size != 0) && ($last_size > $current_size)) { $DEBUG && print "File is now smaller. File must have been rotated\n"; $last_size = $current_size; $last_inode = $current_inode; open_log($LOG_FILE, $MAX_ROTATED_LINES) || die "open_log $LOG_FILE failed: $!\n"; return(1); } elsif (($last_inode != 0) && ($last_inode != $current_inode)) { $DEBUG && print "Inode changed. File must have been rotated\n"; $last_inode = $current_inode; $last_size = $current_size; open_log($LOG_FILE, $MAX_ROTATED_LINES) || die "open_log $LOG_FILE failed: $!\n"; return(1); } ($last_inode, $last_size) = ($current_inode, $current_size); 0; } ########### # MAIN ######## if (free_megabytes() < $min_megabytes) { print "free space on $CAPTURE_LOCATION is below ${min_megabytes}MB, you must create a Memory File System or choose another location to gather tcpdumps\n"; goto MUST_MFS; } ######### GET USER INPUT ############### if (free_percent() < $MIN_FREE_SPACE) { print "free space on $CAPTURE_LOCATION is below ${MIN_FREE_SPACE}%, you must create a Memory File System or choose another location to gather tcpdumps\n"; MUST_MFS: # require the user to create a MFS if they don't have enough free space exit(1) unless (create_mfs()); } else { create_mfs(); } if (free_percent() < $MIN_FREE_SPACE || free_megabytes() < $min_megabytes) { print "it appears the Memory File System is in place, but there is still insufficient space, exiting\n"; exit(1); } print "capturing to $CAPTURE_LOCATION using the following interfaces and filters:\n"; foreach $interface (keys( %SETTINGS )) { system("ifconfig $interface >/dev/null 2>&1"); if ( ($? >> 8) != 0) { $DEBUG && print "couldn't ifconfig $interface, removing from list\n"; delete( $SETTINGS{$interface} ); } else { print " $interface: $SETTINGS{$interface}{filter}\n"; } } print "does this look right? [y/n]: "; $answer = ; exit unless lc($answer) =~ "y"; ####### DAEMONIZE ############# chdir("/"); exit unless (fork() == 0); # kill old self, write pid file if (-f $PID_FILE) { open(PIDFILE, "<$PID_FILE"); kill(15, ); close(PIDFILE); } open(PIDFILE, ">$PID_FILE"); syswrite(PIDFILE, $$); close(PIDFILE); ########### START PROCESSING ############### foreach $interface (keys( %SETTINGS )) { my $filter = $SETTINGS{$interface}{filter}; $pid = fork(); $SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number} = 1; if (!defined($pid)) { print "fork() failed! exiting\n"; exit 1; } if ($pid == 0) { start_tcpdump( $interface, "$CAPTURE_LOCATION/${interface}.dump.$SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number}", $filter ); exit 1; } else { $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid} = $pid; print "started tcpdump as pid $pid on \"$interface\" filtered as \"$filter\"\n"; } } ###### # fork off a process to keep an eye on free space ######## $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { while (1) { my $sleep_return = sleep($FREE_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL); $DEBUG && ($sleep_return != $FREE_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL) && print "WARN: free_percent() loop: sleep returned $sleep_return instead of $FREE_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL !\n"; if (free_percent() < $MIN_FREE_SPACE) { print "WARN: free space is below ${MIN_FREE_SPACE}%, killing main script\n"; kill(2, $ppid); sleep(1); kill(15, $ppid); print "WARN: sent SIGTERM to $ppid (main script), exiting\n"; exit 1; } else { $DEBUG && print "free_percent(): space is fine, continue\n"; } } } else { push(@child_pids, $pid); $DEBUG && print "started free_percent watcher as: $pid\n"; } ###### # fork off a process to rotate capture files as necessary ######## $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { my $capture_file; while (1) { my $sleep_return = sleep($CAPTURE_CHECK_INTERVAL); $DEBUG && ($sleep_return != $CAPTURE_CHECK_INTERVAL) && print "WARN: start_tcpdump() loop: sleep returned $sleep_return instead of $CAPTURE_CHECK_INTERVAL !\n"; foreach $interface (keys( %SETTINGS )) { if (capture_space("$CAPTURE_LOCATION/${interface}.dump.$SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number}") >= $DESIRED_CAPTURE_SIZE) { if ($SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number} == $CAPTURES_TO_ROTATE) { print "reached maximum number of captures to rotate: $CAPTURES_TO_ROTATE, starting over at 1\n"; $SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number} = 1; } else { $SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number}++; } print "rotating capture file: ${interface}.dump, new extension .$SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number}\n"; $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { start_tcpdump( $interface, "$CAPTURE_LOCATION/${interface}.dump.$SETTINGS{$interface}{rotate_number}", $SETTINGS{$interface}{filter}, ); exit 0; } push(@child_pids, $pid); # get some overlap in the two files sleep($OVERLAP_DURING_ROTATE); # kill the old tcpdump kill(2, $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid}); $DEBUG && print "sent SIGINT to $interface: $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid}, new pid $pid\n"; # record the new pid $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid} = $pid; } else { $DEBUG && print "capture file doesn't need to be rotated yet: ${interface}.dump\n"; } } # Reap any zombies from old tcpdumps $DEBUG && print "start_tcpdump() loop: \@child_pids = (", join(' ', @child_pids), ")\n"; while (1) { use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my $child = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); if (defined $child and $child > 0) { # remove PID from @child_pids @child_pids = grep {$_ != $child} @child_pids; $DEBUG && print "start_tcpdump() loop: reaped child PID $child\n"; } else { # no one to reap last; } } } } else { push(@child_pids, $pid); $DEBUG && print "started capture file watcher as: $pid\n"; } ################ # watch triggers (time or log based) #################### $SIG{TERM} = sub { finish(); }; if (lc($TRIGGER) =~ /time/) { print "time-based trigger, will capture for $TIME_TO_CAPTURE seconds\n"; sleep($TIME_TO_CAPTURE); print "captured for $TIME_TO_CAPTURE seconds, stopping tcpdumps\n"; } elsif (lc($TRIGGER) =~ /log/) { print "log-based trigger, waiting for \"$LOG_MESSAGE\" in \"$LOG_FILE\"\n"; # creates global $F_LOG filehandle of $LOG_FILE open_log($LOG_FILE, 0) || finish("open_log $LOG_FILE failed: $!\n"); # flush syslogd's buffers (avoid never getting the message due to "last message repeated....") restart_syslogd() || finish("Restarting syslogd failed, EXIT\n"); # tail -f the log and wait for message while (1) { # reap any zombies during each loop my $return; while (1) { use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my $child = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); if (defined $child and $child > 0) { $DEBUG && print "log trigger loop: reaped child PID $child\n"; } else { # no one to reap last; } } eval { $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("ALRM\n"); }; alarm($IDLE_TIMER); $_ = <$F_LOG>; alarm(0); }; if ($@) { # this only occurs if we're idle for $IDLE_TIMER seconds because no new log entries are occuring $@ = undef; is_rotated($LOG_FILE); next; } $DEBUG && print "in LOG reading loop, current line: \"$_\"\n"; if (/$LOG_MESSAGE/) { $DEBUG && print "Current line matches: \"$LOG_MESSAGE\"\n"; last; } $DEBUG && print "no match, next\n"; } print "received log message, sleeping $FOUND_MESSAGE_WAIT seconds then stopping tcpdumps\n"; sleep($FOUND_MESSAGE_WAIT); } # figure out current tcpdump child_pids and push them onto the list foreach $interface (keys( %SETTINGS )) { push(@child_pids, $SETTINGS{$interface}{pid}); } # kill all tcpdumps + free space watcher + capture file rotator -- doesn't return finish(); 0;738Views0likes1CommentVerifying Multiple Certificate Key Pairs
Problem this snippet solves: A simple shell script that compares the moduli of the certs and keys on the BIG-IP system and reports whether they match. How to use this snippet: Setup and Usage Copy and paste this script in to your LTM, GTM, ASM, LC, or EM the /var/tmp directory. Then execute it. If the moduli of the key and the cert are different, then the script will output two lines for that key/cert pair. However, if the moduli are the same, then the script will output one line. Note that certificate bundles do not have keys: when the script encounters a certificate bundle, it will generate an error message that a file cannot be found. Code : #! /bin/bash# # Script to loop through all of the certificates in /config/ssl/ssl.crt and verify that the moduli of the corresponding keys are the same pushd /config/ssl for x in ssl.crt/*.crt; do echo -n $x # remove the file type .crt y=${x%.crt} # remove the front part of the path z=${y##*/} echo " $z" ( openssl rsa -noout -in ssl.key/$z.key -modulus | md5sum ; openssl x509 -noout -in ssl.crt/$z.crt -modulus | md5sum ) | uniq echo "----------" done popd258Views0likes0CommentsTAB Completion For V9 LTM
Problem this snippet solves: The author got tired of not being able to TAB complete some b commands in v9, created a bash shell to help speed up the process The following is example of tab completion: [root@bigip1:Active] ~ # b v version virtual vlan vlangroup [root@bigip1:Active] ~ # b virtual address list show vs_http vs_text [root@bigip1:Active] ~ # b virtual vs_ vs_http vs_text [root@bigip1:Active] ~ # b virtual vs_http _ Create the file called or whatever you would like to call it, in /etc/profile.d/ and execute the following: chmod +755 this should then run the script when you log in. Feel free to extend it and improve this code share Note: This has been tested on v9.4.x branch Code : #!/bin/bash # # BASH completion for bigpipe on BIGIP 9.4.x # # Licensed under the GPL v2 # See for full License Text # # Author: James Deucker, Red Education Pty Ltd # # Version 0.3 # _virtual() { case $COMP_CWORD in 2) local list=$(for x in `b virtual show | egrep "^\+-> VIRTUAL" | cut -d " " -f 3` list show address help; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; 3) local list=$(for x in `b help | egrep "^virtual \([^\)]*\) [a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 6 | sort | uniq`; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; esac } _pool() { case $COMP_CWORD in 2) local list=$(for x in `b pool show | egrep "^POOL" | cut -d " " -f 2` list show; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; 3) local list=$(for x in `b help | egrep "^pool \([^\)]*\) [a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 6 | sort | uniq`; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; esac } _bp() { local cur prev opts base COMPREPLY=() base="${COMP_WORDS[1]}" cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" # # The basic options we'll complete. # opts=`b help | egrep "^[a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq | xargs` # # Complete the arguments to some of the basic commands. # case "${base}" in virtual) _virtual return 0 ;; pool) _pool return 0 ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "help" -- ${cur}) ) ;; esac COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur})) return 0 } complete -F _bp b bp bigpipe # Note: This has been tested on v9.3.x branch #!/bin/bash # # BASH completion for bigpipe on BIGIP 9.3.x # # Licensed under the GPL v2 # See for full License Text # # Author: James Deucker, Red Education Pty Ltd # # Version 0.3b # _virtual() { case $COMP_CWORD in 2) local list=$(for x in `b virtual show | egrep "^\+-> SERVER" | cut -d " " -f 3` list show address help; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; 3) local list=$(for x in `b help | egrep "^virtual \([^\)]*\) [a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 6 | sort | uniq`; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; esac } _pool() { case $COMP_CWORD in 2) local list=$(for x in `b pool show | egrep "^POOL" | cut -d " " -f 2` list show; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; 3) local list=$(for x in `b help | egrep "^pool \([^\)]*\) [a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 6 | sort | uniq`; do echo ${x} ; done ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${list}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; esac } _bp() { local cur prev opts base COMPREPLY=() base="${COMP_WORDS[1]}" cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" # # The basic options we'll complete. # opts=`b help | egrep "^[a-z]" | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq | xargs` # # Complete the arguments to some of the basic commands. # case "${base}" in virtual) _virtual return 0 ;; pool) _pool return 0 ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "help" -- ${cur}) ) ;; esac COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur})) return 0 } complete -F _bp b bp bigpipe208Views0likes0Comments