Create Pools/Vips with tmsh via MS-Excel script
Problem this snippet solves:
This spreadsheet Excel is useful to create VIPs, pools, nodes, policy, etc.
It is also included script for ASM. The AFM script, I ended up not using and therefore I have not tested very well. I decided to share because it might help someone to gain some time to configure the BigIP.
How to use this snippet:
Fill the information and then get a script. So, connect by ssh and in the tmsh, paste the script (preferably in blocks, slowly for reasons of buffer length), then, if we have success, give us some time to do other steps...
- solaikumar_1217
For LTM , only HTTP and FTP protocol is visible. remaining ? :) - silverem_84897
Hi could you add the NAT function please ? - Renganathan_356
Can you please share the password to edit matching to our requirements.
- Micha
Hi, can the password that the excel is using be shared? i want to do some modification
- Erwin_Velgersdi
Hi, Can I also have the password to modify some of the settings?
- PatHigdon
Is it possible to get the password so It can be modified for our requirements?
- vert