ltm policy
18 TopicsExtract SAN from Client SSL Certificate & Insert into HTTP Header
Hi folks, I'm working with some co-workers to setup some forwarding in our environment. Mutual TLS and the insertion of the SAN from the client certificate into a HTTP header is a requirement. Can anyone help me come up with an iRule or LTM Policy to extract the SAN/CN from the client SSl cert and insert it as a HTTP header? Here's some additional info from Slack: Configure your TLS-terminating server to request client certificates. Your server should accept client certificates issued by DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA, an intermediate CA under DigiCert Global Root CA. These CAs are included in many standard CA certificate bundles. 1- Extract either of the following fields in the certificate. Subject Alternative Name: By RFC 6125, this is the recommended field to extract. or Subject Common Name: 2- Inject the extracted domain into a header, and forward the request to your application server. Here's an example header you might add to the request: X-Client-Certificate-SAN: Whatever you choose to call your header, check to make sure this header hasn't already been added to the request. Your upstream application server must know that the header was added by your TLS-terminating server as part of the Mutual TLS process.Solved2.3KViews1like8CommentsUsing LTM Policy to Redirect Host But Preserving Original URI
I am looking for some guidance and hopefully the community can help. We are trying to perform a host redirect using an LTM policy. The requirements are as follows: If URL contains uri /thisuri, forward request to pool http_server. If URL contains uri that is not /thisuri, redirect request to[orginal_uri] We managed to configure our LTM policy to do everything except preserve the URI in the original request if URI is not /thisuri. Is preserving the URI from the original client request even possible when using an LTM policy? Has anyone tried doing something like this before? Our current logic is like this (we are using first match policy strategy): 1.test_uri_redirect Match all the following conditions HTTP URI > path > is > any of > /thisuri at request time. Do the following when the traffic is matched Forward Traffic > to pool > /Common/https_server > at request time. 2.test_host_redirect Match all the following conditions HTTP URI > path > is not > any of > /thisuri > at request time. Do the following when the traffic is matched Redirect > to location > at request time. All that we are missing is how to tell the BIG-IP to preserve the original URI path. Any help would be much appreciated.1.9KViews1like3CommentsHTTP Security Headers - LTM Policies
Hi folks, I'm trying to create some LTM Policies for the following: •X-XSS-Protection •X-Content-Type-Options •Content-Security-Policy •Strict-Transport-Security I already have the following working iRules, but would like to use Policies instead to limit impact on CPU: X-XSS-Protection when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { !([ HTTP::header exists "X-XSS-Protection" ])} { HTTP::header insert "X-XSS-Protection" "1; mode=block" } } X-Content-Type-Options when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { !([ HTTP::header exists "X-Content-Type-Options" ])} { HTTP::header insert "X-Content-Type-Options" "'nosniff'" } } Content-Security-Policy when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { !([ HTTP::header exists "content-security-policy " ])} { HTTP::header insert "content-security-policy" "default-src 'self';" } } Strict-Transport-Security when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { !([ HTTP::header exists "Strict-Transport-Security" ])} { HTTP::header insert "Strict-Transport-Security" "max-age=16070400" } } ...and here's what I've come up with so far for LTM Policy versions. Full disclosure, I'm a total novice with policies. Am I even close? ltm policy X-XSS-Protection { last-modified 2017-11-28:13:37:23 requires { http } rules { X-XSS-Protection { actions { 0 { http-header response insert name X-XSS-Protection value "1; mode=block" } } conditions { 0 { http-header response name X-XSS-Protection contains values { X-XSS-Protection } } } } } status published strategy first-match } ltm policy X-Content-Type-Options { last-modified 2017-11-28:13:37:19 requires { http } rules { X-Content-Type-Options { actions { 0 { http-header response insert name X-Content-Type-Options value "'nosniff'" } } conditions { 0 { http-header response name X-Content-Type-Options contains values { X-Content-Type-Options } } } } } status published strategy first-match } ltm policy content-security-policy { last-modified 2017-11-28:13:37:25 requires { http } rules { content-security-policy { actions { 0 { http-header response insert name content-security-policy value "default-src 'self';" } } conditions { 0 { http-header response name content-security-policy contains values { content-security-policy } } } } } status published strategy first-match } ltm policy Strict-Transport-Security { last-modified 2017-11-28:13:37:15 requires { http } rules { Strict-Transport-Security { actions { 0 { http-header response insert name Strict-Transport-Security value max-age=16070400 } } conditions { 0 { http-header response name Strict-Transport-Security contains values { Strict-Transport-Security } } } } } status published strategy first-match }1.3KViews1like5CommentsiRule to Rewrite User Agent Header
We have a client that has an internal browser policy for IE to run in compatibility mode due to legacy applications. Unfortunately with the latest update to our application servers this causes issues with the content displaying properly. The application displays fine when the User Agent appears as one that is compatible. I have an iRule that I believe will work in concept; however I'm getting errors (See Below). when HTTP_REQUEST { Rewrite the User-Agent header value to show up supported browser if { [string toupper [HTTP::header User-Agent]] contains “MSIE 6” or “MSIE 7” or “MSIE 8” or “MSIE 9” or “MSIE 10”)}{ Replace the User-Agent header with supported user agent HTTP::header replace “User-Agent” "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" } } 01070151:3: Rule [/Common/HTTP-UserAgentHeader-Rewrite-iRule] error: /Common/HTTP-UserAgentHeader-Rewrite-iRule:3: error: [parse error: PARSE syntax 156 {syntax error in expression " [string toupper [HTTP::header User-Agent]] contains “...": unexpected operator &}][{ [string toupper [HTTP::header User-Agent]] contains “MSIE 6” or “MSIE 7” or “MSIE 8” or “MSIE 9” or “MSIE 10”)}] /Common/HTTP-UserAgentHeader-Rewrite-iRule:5: error: [undefined procedure: User-Agent&8221][User-Agent”] /Common/HTTP-UserAgentHeader-Rewrite-iRule:5: error: [undefined procedure: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko]["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"]999Views0likes5CommentsWorking without trailing slash in LTM rewrite profile URI rules
Hi, I am trying to implement simple reverse proxy with load balancing based on URI path. Here is the example: F5 VIP 1 listening to - default HTTP to HTTPS redirect iRule is applied F5 VIP 2 listening to App server 1 listening to App server 2 listening to App server 3 listening to Rewriting rules and load balancing rules examples: -> (App server 3) -> (App server 1) -> (App server 1) -> (App server 2) -> (App server 2) So basically there are 3 different back end app servers, each listening on different virtual host, and client requests should be redirected to these servers based on the URI path, while the host part of the URL must also be rewritten in all headers and whole HTML content. End user must always see only in their browser's address field. In prior TMOS versions there was the ProxyPass iRule used for such functionality. But since my case is not too complicated and I am running 11.6, there is a way to supplement ProxyPass functionality with build in features: LTM Rewrite profile and LTM policy. I do the necessary URI rewrite in rewrite profile via URI rules and request forward in LTM policy rules. Everything works just fine, except one small annoying thing. Users want to have the option to ignore the trailing slash in URI path when calling a default resource within a directory. So for example, they want to be able to call and get the default resource from the /dd/ directory. My problem is that LTM rewrite profile does not allow me to specify URI rules without a slash at the end of URI. And without it, the whole concept does not work. Because when the user calls, F5 does not match this request to any URI rewrite rules, hence the host part stays "main" instead of being rewritten to "bar". The LTM policy actually forwards the request to correct app server because in the LTM policy I am able to declare a condition "if URI path begins with /dd". But the app server 2 does not accept request for virtual host 'main'. So I get an error. And I cannot do the URL rewrite in LTM policy. I need to rewrite all links in headers, cookies and content, so I need to use LTM rewrite profile to accomplish all that. Also something like '' can be a legitimate request for a file called 'zz' inside the root directory of app server. So the F5 needs to be able to rewrite also requests without trailing slash and catch the HTTP redirects, rewrite them accordingly also in HTTP responses. Blindly inserting '/' at the end of each request is hence not possible. Any idea would be much appreciated! Thanks.699Views0likes1CommentLTM policy to redirect uri to correct pool
I am trying to create a policy which redirect the request to correct pool based on URI. So i am trying to use a simple logic i.e. If uri starts with /help or /assistance at request time forward the traffic to POOL A at request time. Rest all traffic should go to default pool POOL B. In the VS default pool is configured POOL B. But it is not working for some reason & default traffic is also hitting the POOL A resulting 404 sometimes vice versa. I also tried opposite mean if uri doesn't start with /help or /assistance redirect the traffic to POOL B at request time. Default pool in VS is POOL A. Still it is doing mix n match & creating 404 errors. Can you please help me to understand if i need to create the default rule under policy? I am unable to find a knowledge article which describes how to add default rule which redirects all the default traffic to default pool. So my policy looks like If uri starts_with /help or /assistance --> Forward traffic to POOL A Rest/default goes to POOL B Thanks!699Views0likes1CommentPolicy action getting overwrote by irule
Hello Everyone, I'm currently using irule to publish application (filtering by URL). At the end of the irule I have a redirect by default. when HTTP_REQUEST {set path [string tolower [HTTP::path]] switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { "" { pool example-com-pool } default { HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } } I'm having an issue migrating from irule to ltm policies. I have this rule. My policy rule is matching (Thanks to the log action). But the forward traffic action is not working. I'm redirected to https by the default condition of the irule. So it looks like the irule is overwroting what my policy is doing. Anyone encountered this issue ? Thanks!Solved637Views0likes3CommentsConvert language set iRule to LTM Policy
Hi folks, Hoping someone can offer some advice on converting an iRule to a LTM Policy. The rule is used to set a cookie which specifies either English or Spanish language on one of our websites. I have very limited experience writing iRules or Policies (the iRule in question was written by a consultant for us long ago). Below is the existing iRule: Determine whether to write the cookie when HTTP_REQUEST { Log our host and IP address log local0. "Host = [HTTP::host]; Client = [IP::client_addr]" Set our values based on host name, then by cookie's existence + value if { [HTTP::host] contains "" } { Does cookie exist? Is its value 'es'? if { ([HTTP::cookie exists "i18next"]) && ([HTTP::cookie value i18next] equals "es") } { log local0. "Cookie exists and is set properly to 'en'" set write_cookie "0" } else { log local0. "Cookie will be written as 'es'" Flag to write a cookie set write_cookie "1" set value "es" } } else { Does cookie exist? Is its value 'en'? if { ([HTTP::cookie exists "i18next"]) && ([HTTP::cookie value i18next] equals "en") } { log local0. "Cookie exists and is set properly to 'en' " set write_cookie "0" } else { log local0. "Cookie will be written as 'en'" Flag to write a cookie set write_cookie "1" set value "en" } } } Now we set/update the cookie when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { $write_cookie == "1" } { log local0. "Setting cookie to $value" HTTP::cookie insert name "i18next" value $value domain "" path "/" HTTP::cookie secure i18next enable } } ...and here is what I've come up with so far for a LTM Policy (which isn't working): ltm policy { requires { http } rules { domain_es { actions { 0 { http-set-cookie response insert domain name i18next path / value es } } conditions { 0 { http-host host values { } } 1 { http-cookie name i18next not values { es } } } ordinal 2 } domain_es_i18next_es { conditions { 0 { http-host host values { } } 1 { http-cookie name i18next values { es } } } ordinal 1 } en { actions { 0 { http-set-cookie response insert domain name i18next path / value en } } conditions { 0 { http-host host not values { } } 1 { http-cookie name i18next not contains values { en } } } ordinal 4 } i18next_en { conditions { 0 { http-host host not values { } } 1 { http-cookie name i18next contains values { en } } } ordinal 3 } } strategy all-match } Thanks!599Views0likes1CommentChange APM /public path to something else?
I'm using policy that disables APM policy on /public subpath as this path is used on server for direct linking and hotlinking files for headless clients (like curl or wget). Unfortunately /public directory collides with APM /public directory used for css and images. As result all APM pages look broken: How can I change /public path used by APM to something else like idk... /static for example? For /public bypass I'm using two virtual servers like this: http_server -> http_server_apm where http_server has policy with action Forward to virtual server http_server_apm if URI path doesn't start with /public. http_server_apm has APM policy assigned.274Views0likes0Comments